Where do the proposals registered in harmony.one website go?

about your communication in telegram, you are assuming everyone will follow you in all the different channels of communication. you should assume that this proposal would be your first point of contact with the community with regards to what you are proposing.

The way Amartay posed those questions may be curt but those are questions that needs to be addressed. He is providing suggestion on what you need to address in your proposal.

With regards to short and specific information, yes I agree, but relevant information also need to be presented.

I don’t fully comprehend this sentence but I am assuming you meant to address the lack of a multilingual platform for NFTs. You see this is what I mean what you have written in the proposal is vague. If you are addressing language barriers in NFT marketplace by making a multilingual platform, that is what I meant about being specific and not vague.

So you are saying buying NFTs addresses everyday environmental problems, education issues and provide social assistance, How? If you are just selling NFTs from artist to their patrons, then it’s just that, but if you are doing more than that, your statement is not self-explanatory.

The road map is telling what is supposed to happen when, it’s not a self-explanatory answer to whatever that is not addressed in other parts of the proposal. I’m assuming this is with regards to my question about financial sustainability, Yes there is the mention of sale of NFTs in the market, here’s the question that should have been addressed, how much would the platform be taking as commission from an NFT sale? what is your estimated annual operating expense? how much in sales do you need to make to be financially sustainable? I’m not asking how much do you expect to make because that is anybody’s guess, but what I am asking is how much do you need to make to keep the lights on. What is your funding runway if there is not incoming revenue?

ok the last part about financial sustainability, it’s not just you alone, I think any project and DAOs asking for grants need to make a breakdown of their capex and opex and revenue streams to show whether they are financially sustainable.

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Thank you, @elennas

Your proposal is under review. I would also like to provide a brief update from Harmony.

All approvals and proposals for DAO Bootstrap Funding are still paused. This is a temporary measure. Please do not let this dissuade you and your team from building. Stay tuned for another update regarding DAO Bootstrap Funding :soon:

note: this comment is not an approval of this proposal.

Sorry but this is a no for me as well

Hello, @elennas

The Harmony DAO Ops team has decided to decline this proposal.

We have found over the past year of DAO operations that the organizations that don’t start with a large, dedicated community and a goal to fund themselves tend to have very low success rates. They tend to have a hard time recruiting additional community support and tend to bring limited value to the overall Harmony ecosystem.

The bar to receive a DAO bootstrap grant is now higher than it has been historically. In order to receive a bootstrap grant going forward, DAOs will need to evidence a high level of transparent reporting, robust community involvement and a business plan that reflects a commitment to self-funding. Further guidelines are being finalized and should be released in the coming week.

I apologize that this process has been lengthy and drawn-out and I appreciate yours and the DAO’s patience. Harmony and the DAO Ops team wanted to exhaust every option before responding with a declination.

Do not let this dissuade you or your DAOs passion to build on Harmony. Harmony is integrating new tools to help build a robust DAO ecosystem. I’m looking forward to your success.

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