All Hands December 6th, 2021

These are the notes from our Harmony All Hands meeting on December 6th, 2021. The YouTube video will be uploaded within the next 24 hours, so you can view the entire video very soon if you go to our Harmony Protocol YouTube channel. Enjoy the notes below:

DCentral Miami

Sam - Thank you to everyone that picked up the slack when some of the team was in Miami. Great teamwork. We had an amazing booth with a lot of projects from the Harmony ecosystem. Our booth was always packed!
Sam was interviewed with with Bloomberg at Miami. It should go live January 18th. Sam even had DFK introduced as well.

Boris - Energy with the community in Miami was incredible! Everyone was coming to the team talking about new projects, new ideas, and building on Harmony. EveryONE’s main concern was to bring in more people into the Harmony ecosystem.

Jack - Miami was packed with people. The buzz was around NFT and blockchain gaming.

RJ - We are so glad that we got to highlight projects from our ecosystem. Everyone that came to the booth was able to chat with multiple projects and learn about projects that have already launched on Harmony and are successful in this ecosystem.

San Francisco Event

Li - 2 days until our big event in San Francisco at Invite all of your friends this will be the big event of the year. Please register HERE to get your tickets for this event.
Hackathon for Stanford students which will lead into the San Francisco Web3 Week in January.
Welcome Matt! A new member of the Harmony team. He will also be helping with this hackathon and Web3 Week.

Adrian - EveryONE is invited and this venue is going to be packed. The venue is at the Pearl on Wednesday from 10 am to 10 pm. This will be live streamed on our YouTube channel! So even if you can’t come please watch on our youtube channel.


Giv - Shoutout to our friends in Kenya. They threw the first initiative from the Harmony Africa DAO. Many more events will be held across the entire continent coming soon. Great job!

Performance Reviews

Sam - Using Coordinape worked really well in our peer reviews. We were able to evaluate the work that we have done with those that we work most directly with on the Harmony team.
We all evaluated our own Cultural Role Models from the Harmony team. This showed the members of the team that most embody the Harmony spirit.


Giv - Chainlink has been a blocker recently but we now have updates that this roadblock is fixed and the projects waiting on this now will be ready starting this week.

Jack - Status of the network - Creating a post-mortem report and announce our findings and solutions to the community. Thank you to the community members who reported this issue to us.

Li - We are having our internal off-site next week, we will be sharing photos with you all during this.


thanks for the written update for the entire community :slight_smile:


I need help, please. Someone has hijacked my Harmony One wallet and has taken my rewards and started the undelegation process in the last 24 hours. URGENT! Please advise how to avoid the theft of my tokens. Yuri.