These are the notes from our All Hands meeting on February 7th. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to the team. Also, look out for the full YouTube video to be posted later on today. Here are our updates:
Ganesha - BTC Bridge - We are working on last minute front-end work and fixes before it goes live. We have already seen some vaults started and many more will start soon. You can create your vault with small amounts of collateral and then add more later on once you feel more comfortable. This Wednesday is the official launch date.
Trustless Ethereum Bridge - Progress on the blocker. That will unblock us for further progress. Substantial progress will be happening within the next 2 weeks.
RJ - Metamask Staking - The new binary is released and pushed to the node. We have reached out for those to update their binary. February 11th is the official launch date.
Cross Shard Transaction - Working on the final design and example right now.
3 new engineers are joining the Harmony team to help with these daily operations.
Leo - Validators can use the depruning feature, all you have to do is turn it on. That went live on Mainnet.
Status of Network - Last week was pretty smooth. We worked on alleviating the repeating alarm. It has been very stable. We are working constantly on speed and stability for the network.
Boris - Fixed Income - There are a few UX issues that should be resolved within the next day and then an ETA will be given after this has been resolved.
We then went over our February Deliverables for the Harmony team. You can find individual deliverables on our Team Member page You can see what the team will be working on and any other updates on this page.