Candidate for Incubator DAO Governor: K. Ross

Hello Harmony community,

I am officially announcing my candidacy for a governor seat in the Incubator DAO. BLAMMO!

An award-winning writer, I feel I could provide a nice balance to your team and bring a fresh perspective to its creative endeavors.

Currently, I hold a position as Senior Copywriter & Brand Strategist for BOALT. A Miami-based company focused on the acquisition of start-ups, we grow companies through tailored technology solutions and sound management. Earlier this year, our CEO, Adam Boalt, spearheaded a Herculean effort to usher in Earth Fund - a low-fee giving platform that will be built on the blockchain and governed by its community.

Best described as “GoFundMe on the blockchain," Earth Fund will use proceeds from its 1Earth token transaction fees to raise crypto-capital for community-voted causes. Projected to become a fully self-governing DAO by approximately 2023, Earth Fund is a collaborative effort between a team on three continents.

Most recently, we partnered with Upstate Interactive, which then led me to MDG, and, in turn, here to you.

Since becoming involved with Earth Fund, I have become intensely interested in the potential of FinTech projects to provide sound policy and governance. Not only that, I feel my current role as Brand Consultant for Earth Fund could provide tremendous insights into how to successfully run a DAO that would benefit this project and vice versa.

A shy introvert posing as an extrovert, I am someone who says what I mean and means what I say. If you see me fit for this project, rest assured that I will work diligently and conscientiously to bring value and creativity in any way I can.

I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Good luck to everyone!



A recent YouTube video of myself speaking about marketing and branding for Earth Fund (with my full awkwardness on display): 🌍 Kristen Ross on Earth Fund, brand identity, and how we communicate all the cool stuff we’re doing. - YouTube

Earth Fund:


Online Portfolio:


Good stuff @Ross . Love what you are doing with Earthfund!

Thanks for the good wishes @edbong. We are working tirelessly to ensure that Earth Fund keeps its feet firmly on the ground as the hype grows!

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