Community DAO Council Q1 2022 Candidate: VLAD

Hi everybody. I’m a governor of OneRuDAO community. Now I want to announce my candidacy for the positions in Community DAO. I think I can handle Engagement line.
Our regional DAO have a project of new DAOs infrastructure, which helps to improve voting process and incentivizes bc users.
I am in crypto only from 2019 year, but to this moment have a background in crypto projects.
By main goal is to create a project that will serve Harmony users.


Thank you for submitting your candidacy Vlad, we at @HarmonyCommunityDAO will form a channel for communication following the field closing, feel free to begin campaigning through Reddit, Twitter, Instagram or any media channels you wish to use, please remain visible during this week to allow for a smooth campaign.

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Discord vlad161_main#9389
TG vlad_wsb_rus
twitter @vladisl12018258

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  1. I want to be a governor of Engagement. I prefer to set goals and fulfill them. Also i like to work towards development.

  2. DAO for me is a group of friends that I have never seen. Now I’m a member of Russian regional DAO. Sometimes i think that I know what happens in this small group better, than on my offline work.
    My primary responsibility is to make Harmony better, and this depends on how I will make small task and aim goals. These small pieces will form a whole picture of my work.

  3. I have some ideas about regional DAOs and there coordination with the bc projects. There are a lot of people who wants to enlighten others about Harmony and its projects, who has a lot of initiatives, but doesn’t know how to do it. Projects on bc should communicate not only with their community in discord or tg, but expand connections with other dao and develop projects together.