1. Are there obstacles you see in being able to commit up to 10 hours/week as a DAO governor?
As a validator node operator, I easily spend greater than 10 hours per week interacting with the Harmony Protocol community via social media. The ability to connect with the community and impact them in positive ways is the only way you can successfully reach and maintain an elected status.
I also believe that achieving and keeping elected status within a few months of starting my node is a strong indicator that I continuously put a great effort into facilitating positive relationships to receive delegations.
2. What skills and/or abilities do you hope to bring that would be beneficial to the Community DAO?
Anonymity is not compatible with my career path. So I have taken the liberty to create a Linktree that reveals my identity. You can see the recently popular crowdfunding video that has inspired me to give back so much to the Harmony ecosystem.
As for my education, my medical license can be verified via my LinkedIn profile. I put the link to verify my license in its respective location on my LinkedIn profile. Since the internet is full of strangers, I strive to be transparent to foster genuine relationships with the people I talk to in our community, it’s great!
Thanks to my effort so far to gain your trust we know that at the bare minimum I hold a Bachelor’s degree (baccalaureate) with specific course requirements outlined here:
I’ve also been working on my business foundation this past year. I began my Master’s in Business Administration at California State University, Channel Islands. Two days ago, I applied for my business license, bought a domain, designed it for desktop and mobile. I am so excited to be an entrepreneur and put to use the skills I have been sharpening over my many years of academics. Here’s my website!
Pretty cool, huh? It’s just a bare-bones site for now until my license comes through.
I don’t code, but I understand medicine, finance, risk, marketing, entrepreneurship, accounting, my interpersonal communication is great, I mean I’m also a licensed medical scientist here in California. Not sure if I need to finish my business degree, I’ve learned so much and with my recent medical issues I think I can take off from here and never touch the ground again!
Just peek at my linktree and you’ll be able to verify me, I want you all to trust that I have your best interest in mind so I am not hiding anything.
Please don’t take this as bragging or anything. I’m just very thorough. I always try to do things right the first time, every time.
I’m shooting for transparency when it comes to my presence in the ecosystem because I want Harmony to absolutely explode. And I want you to be educated on the type of skills I have so you all can benefit from me being around if you need anything from me.
3. How long have you been in the Harmony community and why do you want to run for a position on the council?
I have been in the Harmony Community since February 2021. I started out on Reddit.
I am inspired to run for a position on the council because you guys changed my life! Check out the Economic Impact Report on my linktree. I made it as a thank you and you can edit it as the price of Harmony goes back up so you can see the impact if you donated to me. All the data on that sheet is verifiable from the Harmony Explorer and its only from the first 5 days after SMH tweeted about my unfortunate medical condition. Seriously, thank you guys!
I also genuinely enjoy giving back to the Harmony Community because investing in Harmony has added so much freedom to my life, I really want to just give back. It’s a passion project for me. I am so very grateful for my new freedom given by the Harmony Protocol DeFi projects, I want to help others to be free also! It’s the coolest feeling when you DYOR and find amazing projects like Tranquil Finance, DFK, Cosmic Guild, Tin, Loot, Viper…too many to list!
4. What timezone do you live in for the purposes of potentially scheduling a 2nd AMA?
I live near Los Angeles, CA. PST