Community DAO Twitter Space 10/29 Recap

DAO deliverables, Engaging with the broader community, and more!

Hello to our fellow Harmony community!

The community DAO held the 2nd official Twitter space to increase engagement and boost participation from the broader community. Listed below are a number of key highlights from the talk that spanned over 3 hours with 100 unique participants throughout.

This is outstanding growth but we need YOU ! Every ONE should feel encouraged to join in the conversation held on Twitter or on the official Harmony forum at .

The importance of this cannot be understated. The community DAO is your way to shape the future of our incredible community. As a Harmony ONE token holder, you have the ability to CREATE & VOTE on proposals that can be funded and implemented by the DAO.

Without further ado, listed below are the highlights from the call; in a format we can use to keep you up to date with all the latest conversations surrounding governance and community growth.

Notes taken by

Harmonious Dude - Kyle

Introduction by Bricktop and Strong Minds Hold (SMH)

-Started with discussion about importance of community participation. SMH spoke on a new Participation document put together highlighting a few points from it.

  • Why there is a perceived lack of participation
  • What is a DAO and what is their purpose?
  • Why they are important in both their creation and participation/community ownership
  • Expansion of DAOs is a sign of a push towards decentralization
  • Harmony’s goal is to create the tech, but not be involved with the direction of the protocol’s operations with the DAOs helping to shape that future
  • Also, more decentralization is more attractive to potential investors
  • The goal is for the power to be with the community, not one entity
  • Get active and go to Talk.Harmony.ONE to make your voice heard
  • The only way DAOs can be successful is with participation from the community.
  • Cheeky Crypto invited DAO and developer team members to either forward them content or to come on their youtube channel to discuss everything DAO to educate the community on what they are, what is their function, and why participation is so vital.
  • Bricktop stressed the importance of not just suggesting fixes or solutions, but to follow them up with action (we, the CDAO, are ready to accomplish things, but need the community’s involvement)

-Discussed a community member’s question (@HarmonyBelgium): “How can we raise awareness within the community of possible scams/rugpulls, thus the legitimacy of a new-to-launch project on the Harmony chain?”

  • Harmonious Dude began by sharing a site recommendation by Stakeridoo: This site can be used through your metamask wallet and analysis of any coin on any chain can be requested. It only takes a few minutes to yield results.
  • Harmonious Dude also suggested creating a separate channel on Talk.Harmony.ONE specifically for projects launched on the protocol where community members can ask questions, collaborate, and/or raise red flags. Also, this will give developers of the project an outlet to connect to the community and clarify any questions there may be about it.
  • Cheeky Crypto came on and suggested something similar to what is on Cardano where devs can address issues
  • Cheeky suggested checking out (sp?) which uses an AI rated system to analyze a token. (maybe reach out to its creator Matt Dixon)
  • SMH recommended visiting where you can view a comprehensive list of projects on Harmony and give a star rating to each.
  • SMH and Bricktop also stressed the importance of making these things voluntary for developers to utilize as Harmony is an open source, trustless protocol for everyone and forcing them would be against the idea of decentralization.

-Harmonious Dude discussed the potential creation of a monthly email newsletter distributed by the CDAO and asked for suggestions on what to include and how to attract recipients.

  • Harmonious Dude suggested including any ongoing governance votes and proposal discussions with links to each as well as core team developments and news
  • Bricktop suggested looking into using the mailing list used for the Harmony team’s mailing list.

-There was a brief discussion again on why people are or aren’t participating currently

  • Suggestion that needs updating to organize it more and make finding info easier
  • Community still lacking in education about DAOs and how they belong to the community
  • Suggested Li and Sam may need to take a more active role in the education aspect

-Niko came on to ask about implementing a feature where delegates can see how a validator votes (maybe forward to VDAO?) and asked about availability of the team for the upcoming NFT-NYC event

  • Team will be at The Edison Hotel everyday (mon-thur) from 7am-10am offering breakfast at the Friedmont restaurant and a t-shirt to all attendees
  • Bricktop mentioned the scholarship program of $1000 offered to 50 people to cover travel expenses to New York
  • Also mentioned was a $1000 scholarship program offered by LI to send up to 100 people to a similar event in Denver in February.
    *eligibilty for scholarships is for students and non income earners

-Megalodon came on and asked about any charitable programs currently on Harmony or any charitable DAOs being created.

  • SMH mentioned Moonity but was unsure of their current status, so follow up on this may be needed.
  • Harmonious Dude mentioned that Harmony is currently handing out $50k grants to fund DAOs, so if someone is interested in starting up something with a charitable lean, then they have the ability to write up a proposal and request funding.

-Harmonious Dude discussed the topic of executable ideas to reward community participation

  • Possible ‘NFT badges’ that members accumulate by participation (i.e voting badges, commenting on governance proposal discussions, etc.) NFTs could maybe have some utility like once a certain amount are attained, some type of reward could be given (coupon to Harmony store?)
  • Badges accumulated could be used in the future to establish a level of trust and legitimacy in a community member.
  • Badges already can be earned on, but no utility to them yet.

-Majrapaj came on to ask questions about availability of Chainlink for an upcoming project.

  • Follow up needed in order to resolve issue, but suggested reaching out to both core team developers like Giv or to the newly formed Developer DAO

-Jack Chan came on and spoke briefly

  • Suggested a news bulletin to start the weekly Twitter Spaces and to find possible info to include at both and the weekly updates by the core team found at>team bio>founding story>weekly updates. Updates on second option are made available every friday.

-SMH suggested setting up a 2nd twitter space each week to give others the chance to catch a session. Also there was a suggestion of reaching out to other language DAOs to host their own spaces and to relay between the DAOs info discussed in each space.

-SMH discussed the upcoming Ambassador DAO aimed at giving community members a chance to be compensated for work building the protocol in various ways

  • Bricktop mentioned coordinape as a tool to use both with the Ambassador DAO and potential outsourced work involved with other DAOs

-A request was made to record twitterspaces by Oxpotatoofdoom

  • Twitter possibly in the works of allowing this
  • Megalodon suggested having drop links in Discord where those not on twitter could suggest topics or post questions. Could also be a way for those to participate in conversation without the need for speaking.

-Wrap up by Bricktop, SMH and Harmonious Dude thanking everyone for attending and again stressing the importance of participation from the community.

These are just some of the amazing topics discussed throughout the space, and we would love input from the community on any (or all!) of the topics covered.

We will be continually posting updates for the spaces going forward in addition to content relating to many of the topics listed above.

Stay tuned, get involved and vote!

-The Harmony Community DAO


This site is working to provide a comprehensive list of projects, partners, exchanges, and wallets. There is the ability for users to leave both a star rating and written review . It seems to be an excellent source for Community members to visit and familiarize themselves with all things Harmony. Obviously, the more reviews there are, the more reliable the information. We encourage everyone to head over there and take some time to review projects you have used!

This is in response to the question posed by @harmonybelgium.

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