Hello Harmonauts! I’m Rokett, and I would LOVE to kickstart the Creative DAO with you!
You may recognize some of my creative work from the twitterverse. I’ve done Harmony team profiles, celebration graphics, and comparison graphics. I’ll post some images below. And recently I updated Harmony’s Discord artwork.
I’m a community manager with ViperSwap, where I support the community across all of our social channels. I launched the VenomDAO YouTube channel, and create all the content for it.
In recent weeks, I’ve been particularly active in kickstarting this DAO, in this thread and the Discord #creative-dao-chat. I’ve also been discussing this DAO with other members of the Harmony community - hopefully you will see their nominations here soon.
Let’s go!!!
Twitter: @rocketcrazyone
Telegram: @Rokett_One
Reddit: Rocket-ONE
Medium: @rokettvenomdao
Discord: Rokett#4962