Call for Candidates: Creative DAO

Gm Sam, we would like to have elections set up by 11/19 to begin at 12am PST and end on 11/22 12 am PST :spiral_calendar:

The hours associated with preparing the election will be billed separately rather than billed through Community DAO, this step in assisting the Creative DAO will be done once since it does not fall under @HarmonyCommunityDAO mandates.

I believe with the guidance of my peers we will deliver the blueprint to future elections :blush:

Candidates are advised to have created a post within Creative & Marketing :speech_balloon: as an individual post to be considered for candidacy by 11/15 at 12pm PST , mainly for visibility and uniformity.

Snapshot should take place by 11/16 date is tentative to change. Updates to come within 48 hours after candidates make adjustments to post or candidacy status.

Candidates are welcome to campaign in media channels or contact me so we can discuss a AMA for the community. We will present candidates and direct them to appropriate channels for them to begin campaigning.

Harmony Reddit

Telegram channel

Creative DAO channel - discord

It is highly encouraged that candidates create a group for candidates to share information once this is completed feel free to invite myself to join.

Banani - Withdrawn

High Indian

Nick - cheeky crypto

Tony dee








Poseidon -

ABinvestments -


Rokett -Withdrawn



Candidates that should to create a separate post

@AmericanGyu - Call for Candidates: Creative DAO - #10 by AmericanGyu

@Cheeky Chris -


If there are any candidates who wish to withdraw please advise me within the next 24-48 hours so we can remove your name from the election ballot