Day ONE underway in San Francisco - Web3

Welcome Harmonauts from all over the world who will be in attendance at Day ONE, For those who may not be in Today’s event, you can stream from our Youtube channel.

Livestream on Harmony’s Youtube channel)

Kicking it off there will be speakers from many projects to include our very own :

Stephen Tse at 11:00 PST and at 2:00pm PST the following will be speaking:

Harmony Project Highlights

Lunch will begin at 1:15 PST - 2:15 PST, event will resume with conversations about CrossChain to include Polychain Capital and Olympus DAO

At 3:00 PST will not want to miss the showcase from DeFi Kingdoms, Tranquil Finance, 1Wallet and Timeless DAO

For more information on event details and for future events be sure to bookmark the Newsletter and event calendar Day ONE schedule of events

If you are in the area to cap off your evening stick around for the Reception at 5PM until 10PM if you wanna kick around an afterparty theres ONE being hosted by WAGMIDAO

For those in the area overnight, please breakfast - Thursday, Dec 9th for our “Breakfast of Dreamers” at Atlas Cafe (3049 20th Street at Alabama, 9am to 12pm noon)

For future event coverage follow the Harmony Protocol Community DAO on Twitter - Weekly Twitter spaces on Fridays and Sundays for the Community to speak, ask and learn.

Also feel free to drop suggestions in the Harmony Protocol Discord Server where we keep an eye and ear to Community wants and needs Harmony - if you have issues with the server be sure to click the heart in the “welcome” page