Harmony Community Growth Proposals


Very interesting That someone wrote this. I Thought I was on my own for the moment.

The person who wrote this join the Harmony Pay for further chats
Discord, Telegram and Tweeters (with a good following) are ready. Links in the link below

The DAO is ready but at waiting mode with 2 influencers, 1 node expert and a Business Development manager.

The next step is to develop the first utility which is a Control panel and eCommerce plugins see call and detailed project brief here with approved Harmony grant: Harmony Pay - Stage 2 Integrations & growth - #22 by drspinosa

I am looking for 1-2 focused developers that Ideally want to be Business partners. I you are a dev or can help find one please DM me.

Regarding to the rest of your suggestions this is my vision to deliver for Harmony.
In collaboration with 1wallet and/or independently to have a mobile payment system that can utilise all HRC20 tokens and also have a visa/ master card linked with instant auto-settlements on HRC20 stable coins.

Further to that to build an interposable payment protocol that utilises multishard comms. this to be used by third parties and Harmony Pay utility.

Have 1-2 Harmony Validator nodes to help the network

Also have our own HRC20 Token. The first experimental token is ready on the mainnet called $FLORA but not added any value to it. This most likely will be a rewards token.

Build a fintech on Harmony

I would like to link up with more people like yourselves so please join and spread the word
Thanks for reading.