@frwrdslosh please take @DaVinciDAO into account because we had this morning 29 contributors in our Coordinape tool.
All this artists decided to contribute with their Art in a Giveaway after an official announcement in Twitter inviting to contribute.
All decision to contribute were personal decisions of those Artists.
Please advice if we are the first ONE.
Interested to contribute as Community moderator
How may I get feedback of acceptance
Hi! Please join us throughout this form
Also a bit later will contact you
I filled the form, anticipate contact and thanks
Hello @frwrdslosh ,
HarmonyIndiaDAO completed the task of adding members to our Coordinape Circle !
It’s the Feb. 15, 2022 and hope you have a great party at ETH Denver to give you an update about the Coordinape Circles:
The @HarmonyCommunityDAO has 62 Members (53 Contributors over the form Harmony ONE Community DAO and 9 Governors)
The @HarmonyValidatorDAO has 57 Members (48 Contributors over the form Validator on Harmony ONE and 9 Governors)
Awesome and nice
A really solid milestones
It’s the Feb. 16, 2022, and like @ben2k_Stakeridoo we will give an update on @DaVinciDAO Coordinape status :
The @DaVinciDAO, as per last data collected on the 15th of February, has 47 Members (41 Contributors and 6 Governors)
Not bad, still lots of work to do with educating all on this tool
Hello @frwrdslosh
- Be a recognized DAO on Harmony before and up to the time of this post.
- Be the FIRST DAO to onboard 20+ members using Coordinape.
I would like to announce that the Turkish DAO Coordinape circle has already achieved the goal. We have 23 people in there.
Hoşça kalın!
News coming be on the lookout
Please add me to the @harmony_dev_dao Coordinape Circle
Please add me to the Harmony India DAO Coordinape Circle
Please add me to the @DaVinciDAO Coordinape Circle
Please add me to the Turkey DAO Coordinape Circle
Please add me to the Validator DAO Coordinape Circle
We have added you to our ( @harmony_dev_dao ) Coordinape Circle!
Hello mate,
Added you to our coordinape circle…
Sorry for delay, actually we didnt get the notification because of wrong tag.
IS this still on? I met a few core contributors of Coordinape and actually their DeFi process inspired my proposal! Social-Token Powered DAO Magazine by Violet Summer DAO