Harmony Marketing DAO

Hey there. Really appreciate you proposal for grant funding in this much needed area of improvement in the Harmony ecosystem. While social media comms for Harmony are problematic im not sure if more SM channels are the solution, nor do I feel that you all have a wholistic conceptualization of overall marketing strategy. Of which, SM management is just one leg of. I’d like to see a proposal for something as all encompassing as a MArketing DAO that takes a broader high level strategic approach, to solving the biggest marketing and branding issues facing Harmony today, instyead of a singular solution to a bevy of problems. Additionally, I’d like to know who the team is made up of by more than just name and position. What i mean is, when it comes to something as important and misunderstood as marketing, it’s important to know past successes and experience of a teams make up: what and where has each member marketed in the past? what level of sucess and experience havew they had? And whats their unique vision for a protocol like Harmony?

I can agree that Harmony definitely needs some new eyes on it ,however a far reaching approach and more complex of a strategy (i say this as a very experienced marketer/brand developer is needed) i would start to explore the various ways to accomplish this. After getting a better handle on the specific make up of the issues hendering harmonys growth and detaching them from the community. Look forward to seeing some updates

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