HolyGrail (HLY) bRPG Grant Proposal

Name of Project / DAO / Company


Application type

Funding Proposal

Proposal overview

We are reapplying for the Grant publicly due to the launch of the Holy Grail Testnet Demo currently now available to play on Harmony Testnet!

HolyGrail.one is currently a custom built open source yield farming defi dapp built specifically for Harmony, our ultimate goal is to launch a new type of WebGL 3D blockchain based game. This game is playable in the users browser and interfaces with the Harmony blockchain directly through RPC and via the users Metamask. This game is the first of its kind on any blockchain and we are happy to bring it exclusively to Harmony! You can play the game now on Harmony Testnet at https://test.holygrail.one, it leverages and utilizes many features of the Harmony blockchain like HRC721, including the built in on-chain VRF which is already coded into and available with our gaming token HLY, which is deployed on Harmony mainnet.

Harmony Testnet Demo of Holy Grail:

Project Goals and Ambitions
The goal and ambitions of HolyGrail are to provide a engaging and fun user experience to people of all ages, while still providing a level of detail and precision using the Harmony blockchain for “important” actions, but not making it feel like a “blockchain game”. HolyGrail seeks to become the #1 fully in browser playable 3D Harmony NFT powered gaming experience available in the industry.

We are asking for a $50,000-125,000 grant in funding to help jumpstart our projects future with infrastructure, liquidity, marketing, development, and bounty funding capital.


Anonymous - Willing to dox to Harmony Team or Grant Leaders

Over a decade of blockchain experience in general (C++, C, C#, Javascript, ReactJS, NodeJS, Signature level algorithms, proof of work algorithms, proof of stake algorithms, Atomic Swaps, Bridges, Defi, Dapps, IPFS, Unity Web3, Web3js, Cosmos SDK, etc.)

Proposal ask



Capital Liquidity for paying for required infrastructure if needed, hiring on future team members, game art, game development, paying for marketing resources, helping to grow our HLY token, and really any resource we can utilize.

For authentication for the Harmony community and to bring more official backing to our project.

Metrics for success

https://holygrail.one Yield Farm Dapp is deployed on Harmony mainnet
1,600+ Discord Members reached HolyGrail.One
WebGL 3D bRPG game to launch Harmony mainnet launch as a goal
Harmony Testnet Demo available at https://test.holygrail.one
https://swap.holygrail.one DFK AMM Swaps without character creation
We meet requirements for multisig. We have a formed 5/9 multisig DAO Treasury for Holy Grail, we will changing it to be 7/9, it may grow in the future. (We are seeking any Harmony DAO governors or validators to join us!)

External links

Official Dapp: https://holygrail.one
Testnet Demo: https://test.holygrail.one
HLY Swaps: https://swap.holygrail.one
Discord: HolyGrail.One
Twitter: https://twitter.com/holygrailone
Whitepaper: https://bafybeia4t4bysjnh67dm4h2vyynn4u2cs2iqih4kb55namzfia3t54xcra.ipfs.cf-ipfs.com/


Love supporting projects on Harmony, but I’m amazed at the progress of this one. The game is developing nicely, intuitive, immersive, and addictive - even in alpha stage… Get involved in the game on testnet & Grail Harder my dudes!


I’ve been with Grail since January 28th, through the ups and downs, all the fud, the hate, disbelief… The community is not going anywhere, we want this game and we will continue to support it even if the Harmony team does not. The dev is working so hard to make this game happen, and has released numerous updates to the testnet (which is freaking awesome, you should actually try it), and in discord we are so willing to help and explain where we are at and also not afraid to address any issues. The treasury has been put into an MS, the dev will doxx to Harmony… Give us a chance


Never experienced this kind of gameplay in any blockchain/NFT games!
Lots of potential! Crypto/NFT peeps will love it especially real gamers!!! Congrats in advance


Dev has continued to impress me with ongoing development progress and being active on Discord. This project is going to shake things up even though it already has.

Props to the dev and the community for making this project awesome!

This is going to be a big win for HARMONY



Was a doubter at first and bought the FUD but the transparency and consistency have made me a believer
Love a good comeback story! Good luck!!


Holy grail is going to disrupt the GAMEFI space. First of its kind (3D BORPG), tried out the demo and never experienced anything like this in the space yet, what a breath of fresh air!


HolyGrail.one is becoming a very promising project, dev keeps delivering quality updates at an awesome pace and has amassed a strong following dedicated to make the community grow! The testnet alpha reminds me of Runescape and runs very smoothly already. I invite everyone to join the discord, test the game and see for themselves how HolyGrail is quickly making a name for itself in the Harmony ecosystem!


This project deserves this grant. This dev has done nothing but deliver exactly what he said he was going to do and in record speed. So much fud has been directed towards this project and has been completely unfounded… and still the dev and community pushed through it. The game is awesome, the community is awesome and the harmony network as whole would benefit from the success of this project. First of its kind bRpg on harmony, let’s go!


Been with this since the start. Unlike most other blockchain “games”, this looks like it’ll actualy turn out to be a real game and deliver that experience now instead of “it’s in the roadmap”. Great community too.


I have been in holygrail.one since February first.
I have seen the concerns and i have also used assets i purchased for my 2d game development cause i have no artistic skill but I stayed.

As time went on he has shown to keep to his word with developments updates and honest transparency they developed a multisig with many others from our discord and i increasingly feel my assets are more secure.

In this last updated play test i had the lucky random hit from Fuud the barbarian to toss me up a cave wall. This caused a glitch my camera behind the cave walls to reveal even more content that wasnt released to us yet! Consider this the first leak of the first BRPG ever a dungeon room with a skeleton leanings over a table.
This doesn’t sound like much but it provides evidence the demo we have to day is just a tast of so much more developed, and much much more to come.


I’ve been playing the game, HolyGrail.one, on the test net and have to say it is very engaging, it is very easy to get started with the game, simple and straightforward. the project is very ambitious, and the team is very determined to deliver on its promises. There is still a long road ahead but I’m pretty sure that the team will do their best to make sure this project will succeed.


Incredible community, even better dev and the amount he’s done towards the game already is amazing.

The update that just came out was HUGE and he added a ton of features - this has so much potential as a very legit RPG-style game on the network and something I have not only invested in, but something I plan on playing for a long time to come once released.


The HolyGrail project has done some amazing things since their inception. It’s only been 3 short weeks but as a community, everyone has really come together to contribute to improving the project’s management, organisation and marketing.

I think thus far, this has been an exceptional example of what a decentralised community-driven project can do within the Harmony Ecosystem. Through the endless amounts of FUD, the community has come out stronger and stronger every single time.

Full credit to Grail (the dev) for pushing through, listening to the community and getting this grant resubmitted. Fingers crossed HolyGrail gets it! At this point in time, given everything the project has achieved in just 3 short weeks, they deserve it.


First of all, I find it increasingly weird how all these “accounts” only has posted once, all in this thread. and why haven’t you mentioned that this game is entirely built using RPG Builder where everything is basically made for you?


Because we’re all people who actually support the project/game and are committing our own time to making sure that this grant proposal receives the proper attention it deserves.

Yes, the game is built using licensed assets from RPG Builder. For clarity, the Legend (character) NFT Contracts and web3 integration aspect of the game is proprietary and custom developed.


I created this account (verfied/linked to my twitter so you can see I’m active) purely to support this because of how much I believe in the project and am engaged with the community.


Well i can account for you i have tx from feb first 2021 if any thing its is good cause this is the first time ive joined harmony pages its actually really cool stuff.
Im new to harmony but let me dox my self

Born in Chicago 10 19 1991 grew up in lafayette im love gameing love rpgs and just got in to web 3 last year been learning as i go. But this is my first community that thought me to dig deeper use this place and im for ever great full [ edited picture cause i wanted one not on my FB but of me wife didnt want our kid in it]


what? so posting for the first time is weird? you can join their discord and look for the announcement that they re-applied for the grant, that’s why I got here. I cant like, comment and show my full support without registering to this forum so there you go


I bought into this project few weeks ago and it had great APY, but there was some FUD going on in Holy Grail discord that essentially crashed the price.

For transparency I believe that the FUD should be presented to the harmony team since the dev did end up confirming their legitimacy in discord.

There was two main FUD: one is that “grail harder”, the dev of HLY, had a wallet connection to the Party hat finance dev wallet… The dev that had recently rugged the harmony community for $8 million USD. Second FUD was that “Grail Harder” the dev, was hiding the fact that he sold 60 million HLY for Jewel tokens, and still had a sizeable amount of HLY left.

The dev “grail harder” responded to the FUD in discord. He confirmed that yes party hat finance dev wallet sent $120 to his wallet, but he didn’t know who he was… he claims it was just a random stranger that wanted to give him money to start Holy grail. He also admitted to lying about not holding/selling any HOLY, and to make amends he will put his remaining 60 million HLY token into the treasury.