Multisig YES x 10 DAO

Name of DAO

Multisig YES x 10 DAO

Proposal overview

Multisig DAO is an up and coming utility-based NFT collection focused on creating a signature lending platform backed by web3 education ecosystem to onboard the next generation of DAO developers and enthusiasts of multisig wallets.

Problem to be Solved

Multisig-efficiency-minded investors are looking for a way into crypto that is aligned with their interests, and we are excited to offer a solution. Harmony will become home of 10,000 DAO with some of the last remaining strongholds in the world for the future of decentralised decision making process that exists in harmony with our ancestral roots. These natural human primal instincts are under threat from unnecessary DAO-inefficiency across blockchains.

Everyone knows, many Harmony DAO are struggling with signatories of their DAO multisig wallets. Ask yourself how many times a web3 enthusiast has done inspiring work for the DAO, only for the governor or five not have time to sign the payment request of the multisig gnosis safe web3 tech wallet.

With our DAO, we will offer possibility to lend singees to the governors of any DAO. Once our professional trained singees are borrowed, the signature process will become streamlined, quick, professional and easy.

Our Three Mandates

Community: Elevate, through marketing, the profile of DAO-owned ventures focused on streamlined signatures production, and individuals focused on an DAO-conscious lifestyle. Create connections linking DAO efficiency to global distributors and customers.

Stewardship: Increase cultural sensitivity to the DAO-based legacy of human decision making processes. Strengthen the pan-DAO and global diaspora community through education and events.

Fund: Direct capital into strategic campaigns to grow the Multisg DAO Fund liquidity pools. Launch NFT initiatives to fundraise for the Multisig DAO Fund and SIG nature initiatives.


We will offer a collection of 10,000 NFT to 10,000 DAO on Harmony, because DAO is the future of human decision making processes. Every DAO that holds the NFT will not need to pay singee lending fees for first 3 months, thus creating sustainable revenue stream after initial bootstrapping period of our DAO.

We will also create an educational website with different tracks, similar to any other website with word-press carefully selected theme, and offer the education content to the public for free.

How our Platform Differs

The blockchain world is riddled with many difficult to understand terms and lingos that overwhelm newcomers getting into the web3 space. Particularly, it is visible among DAO governors who need to sign external payments, not including their own wallets.

This can often be discouraging and frustrating, causing them to stop or temporarily halt their web3 journey. Our platform will be 100% beginner friendly and help the user step-by-step into understanding all the web3 terms and applications. We know how frustrating poorly written tutorials can be, thus our tracks will focus on a more hands-on approach where we will walk the user through creating their own Metamask account and creating sample transactions on a testnet.

Proposal ask

200,000$ in ONE tokens. Detailed budget below.


Metrics for success

First Month

  1. Sign 200+ transactions on behalf of different DAO

  2. Telegram 5+ members

  3. Landing Page for our education site

  4. Fly out for DAO meet-up

  5. Partner with 3 DAO

Second Month

  1. Sign 500+ transactions on behalf of more DAO

  2. 1000+ members (can be paid)

  3. Publish educational blog(s) on website

  4. Partner with 5 web3 companies

  5. Host beach party

Third Month

  1. Sign 1000+ transactions (more DAO, more transactions)

  2. 5000+ members (still can be paid)

  3. Partner with 5 more web3 companies

  4. Launch Multisig DAO NFTs and token

  5. Publish first web3 beginner track showcasing how to connect to metamask and make transactions through a testnet


Sae Angel

Sae has been an a serial investor in projects and ventures that inspire the DAO lifestyle. Global citizen and marketing freelancer currently in the web4 space but gaining knowledge step below in web3 marketing. She watches YouTube daily and has a deep knowledge in design, social media, online, offline, DAO, spiritual retreats and overall marketing strategy. She is an outgoing, people person who helped unite the Multisig DAO team.

Bob Croissant

CEO of Bearish AF inc is a passionate advocate for global citizenship, digital wellness and holistic, ethical implementation of AI technologies. This passion is embodied in her role as the executive of the upcoming documentary DAO detox, which compellingly conveys concern over the commoditization of digital DAO data by Big Tech and the debilitating effects of tech addiction on individuals and on society as a whole.


Does not need an introduction. Any DAO with Rainy will bring overarching narrative for humanity in the 22nd century.

External links

Twitter: 10000_dao

Website: TBD


Discord: TBD

Multisig Wallet Address: 0xa58a778ec456707570816616fb654179fe0e7bfa (please send money here)


Lastly I want to mention, it’s been a pleasure meeting all of you, Harmony team during ETH Denver. I was not there physically but thanks to our friends over at Spiritual Rising DAO, I was there meeting y’all in spirit. Thank you again for the opportunity, it would not have been possible without Harmony core team. It’s a YES x10.

Can’t wait for this DAO to serve all the DAO on Harmony and shape the new way for humanity to self govern. I am inspired.


Great project man, I was thinking this could be useful for my upcoming White Straight Carnivore Male DAO, would you like to be onboard?


Apologies for late reply, I’ve been busy signing transactions in my web3 wallet.

Thank you so much for your support though, I am glad this DAO starts with such a strong message of encouragement, it’s what is needed in this space


I feel really empowered. Thank you so much for your proposal. It’s a solid yes for me.


This has got to be a parody right?

Rainy don’t need an introduction…lol


It’s not a parody, we have full intentions to fill in the mandate of 10,000 DAO. That said, I’d be interested in lending professional Multisig wallet signees to your DAO.


I’m glad to have you on board. White Straight Carnivore Male DAO is going to change the world!1!!1!


This DAO has my full support. I am in awe at the power of this community. This will surely usher in a new era, a new century, and maybe even a new day.

PS- Can I also be a governor at your DAO? I can skip the beach party and air trips (and save a bit on the budget for y’all) by being present with you guys from any part of the world using the power of my Spirit Chakras.


Thank you so much for support and recognising the importance of Multisig DAO mandate. I must however warn you that as a governor, you will be required to attend beach party as well fly out for the meet-up. If you can accept this predicament, I would like to welcome you on board.

Also, please follow our DAO on twitter. It’s the future.


Love it! :joy::joy::blue_heart:

20 Characters


This is an interesting funding proposal. There indeed are problems with DAOs and it’s kind of bad and sad how all the time this “dirty laundry” is washed in the public on Twitter, Reddit etc.

Can u pls explain how this genius and sarcastic idea works in detail?


I’ve been wanting and needing this to exist for ages. I am part of a DAO that needs 99 signatures out of 100 signers to transact. We have yet to do a single transaction. YES x 10000 DAO is the future!!



Thank you, @BobDonut I knew there’s need for this DAO when we started this mandate, especially for people like yourself representing truly what Harmony is about. Our professional singees will be delighted providing multisig signatures for your DAO. At this rate we will fill our monthly metric for success KPI in a week!

YES x100000!!


This proposal is eloquently written. I commend the author @Sbae

My biggest concern is Bob Croissant. See, I am the CEO of Bearish AF Inc. I will have to call this woman an imposter.

As such, I am going to decline this proposal with extreme prejudice. I wish you luck in your future endeavors and make sure I get an invite to the beach party. Thank you for your time


hoping this is a parody proposal lol


@frwrdslosh thank you for your warm words about my eloquence.

I would like to point out however, that the underlying subject matter is not funny and I don’t believe it’ll be something to joke about.

I respect your decision about declining this grant application. However this DAO will continue. In true DAO fashion, no less.

This DAO will now pivot (but not change in spirit). We will have new mandates:

to expose the lack of professionalism and possible maliciousness and nepotism

of Harmony team handling grants and their lack of touch with community sentiments, lack of touch with reality and lack of common sense, beside bad communication.

I am sure this DAO has true potential to prove how to actually shape the overarching narrative for humanity in the 21st century as nationalism, religion, communism, liberalism all fade away as effective narratives for humanity to self govern. @lij you should be proud.

I do believe there is a chance for Harmony team to revisit the possibility of funding this DAO in the future as its members can genuinely enrich the Harmony community by auditing the harmony ops team responsible for DAOs.

In particular we will start with focus on:

  • Evaluation criteria applied by Harmony vs real world scenarios
  • Professionalism and how fitting the skill set of persons on panel deciding on grants approval/denial, is
  • The choice of people sitting on that panel and their possible conflict of interest and nepotism
  • Fund transfer (like for example grant transactions going to personal wallet rather than multisig)
  • Any other potential mishandling of funds

This is work in progress and scope of work can still be further adjusted based on input from other DAO members.

To anyone who’s reading this, who has common sense and is interested: the twitter @10000_dao is mine, I didn’t use twitter before but can be just appropriated for this purpose. Telegram group Telegram: Contact @multi10000DAO is real (I mean I made it for this purpose, we already went beyond first success metric of 5 people). Join there, I’ll keep it so these issues can actually be discussed freely.


Happy to see you will continue to maintain this vigilance! As always, I will urge having constructive discussions when approaching new proposals.

Also, a reminder, that when a proposal comes to the talk forum it is not automatically approved or funded.