ONE4All - Delegation Consideration

Validator name

ONE4All – tous pour one (@OValidator)

Staking Profile

(Harmony – Open Consensus for 10B 1)

Commission %


Infrastructure Setup

3 x VPS with 8 vCores in 3 different locations

About us

Introduce you and your team

The validator is run by a french-canadian computing engineer with more than 12 years experience in software and web development.

We are involved in developping the community (especially the french one) and the decentralization of the network, via a proposal like HIP-12 or via our participation as a member of the Validator DAO.
We are working on the website translated in english, french and spanish. Each week we gather the news on harmony https://one4all.on/news with the help of HoundONE

Describe how you were first introduced to Harmony

We discovered harmony in March 2021 and it took only one month to be convinced by the technology and the user experience. We decided to launch our validator in April and after a few months we were able to be safely elected. We continued to stay active every day since then and to maintain/monitor our validator.

How would you do things differently?

We hope we can find a way to balance more the validators. It is a sensitive subject but we believe it deserves an healthy discussion and hopefully we can find good solutions for everyone. But the power is also in the hands of the delegators.

Validator Pledge

We are committed to keep our validator secure and with the best uptime possible.

We care about the decentralization of the network and we will continue to promote it.

I/We have read the Terms and Concepts in detail and fully understood its purpose, possess the know-how of running this service, and know the risk-rewards to run this service. I/We fully understand Harmony’s Definitive Guide to Harmony Open Staking