Captain Sev: Looking for Team

Hi guys,

my name is Sev, I’m from europe and I’m one of Harmony’s Dev Captains.

I’m looking for a team for the Hackathon and would be excited to
get to know you or your project!

Who am I?

Im a full stack developer for some years now and I’m learning the harmony ecosystem to get to know web3. Already deployed some contrascts

I wrote a more detailed introduction here:

What am I interested in?

I’m open for anything, but I’m quite excited for:

  • Hummingbot for arbitrage
  • Wallet domains (
  • Anything Terra
  • Maddock Capital’s Challenges sounds exciting
  • Chainlink Challenge

If you are interested in forming a team, leave a comment or hit me up on discord Sev#5507



I’m down to help! I’m slowly getting through crypto zombies, but I can definitely do front end on web3 no problem with just a little bit of research. Eventually, I’ll feel comfy with smart contract work and solidity as I progress. Would love to knowledge share too.


Hey Sev!
We have a similar background!

I just posted a project idea on the gitcoin townsquare!

not sure if it sounds interesting to you but either way excited to see what everyone comes up with!



Yeah, we really do have a similar background :smiley:
It’s an interesting idea, but honestly I’m not super excited for it :frowning: . Are you ‘married’ to your idea or are you just open for anything?

FYI: A intersting use case that came to mind, is like donations. As you never know how much of your donation really reaches the people. Organisations could create a shared wallet that provides instant transparency on how the funds are going to be spent.


Cool! Would be great to join forces/ brainstorm or whatever :smiley: Aren’t you still on vacation? :smiley:

FYI: A intersting use case that came to mind, is like donations. As you never know how much of your donation really reaches the people. Organisations could create a shared wallet that provides instant transparency on how the funds are going to be spent.

I love the idea of giving 1wallets to charities and setting it up where they can only make purchases with agreed upon venders, so you could accept donations for a specific cause and as long as the venders were trustworthy/well known, then people could donate with less fear of abuse.

I hear so much distrust from people about charities… and evidence to support it…

Not married yet :ring: wanting to see how things go tomorrow!

Make the most out of the experience of the hackathon!.. :beers:

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I now found someone to work on the Maddock Challenge.
@y04nqt hit me up if you are interested :wink:

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This idea looks great to me. Can we connect on discord here is my username: gconnect

I have experience developing Mobile applications and designing UIs