Introduce yourself here

Greetings Harmonauts!! :woman_astronaut::v:
( Not sure if this is still where introductions are going on but since I was considering applying for the developer captain program, I thought I would follow the requirements :white_check_mark: )

Edd Norris here!

( LinkedIn )
Long time (10yr+) Interactive Application/Video Game Developer,
Recent (2yrs+) Crypto Convert
Recent (1yr+) Fullstack/WebDev student

  1. I run 2bit [Entertainment], an Independent Interactive Software Development Studio; primarily focused on App Development.

  2. I’ve been building a platform for selling physical goods using an NFTs as a kind of proof of purchase for allowing for a trusted secondary market to emerge.

  3. I’ve been building using another PoS chain but was interested in it primarily for it’s governance model and rewarding my users with a dao token for determining certain aspects of the way the ecosystem will be maintained; but from my research I believe Harmony $ONE would allow for much of the same benefits but it’s available now.

I’m not sure I will have the time to commit for a Developer Captain but I’m interested in helping to build support for Harmony $ONE for the GameDev software Engine Unity so that people can accept $ONE in video games/desktop/mobile apps.