Community DAO Council Candidate: Gyan AKA BelievioN

Introduction : My Name is Gyan AKA BelievioN and I would like to present myself as a candidate for the Harmony Community DAO
I am a true believer of Harmony and that belief states that the future or Harmony ONE is within a fully decentralized platform that is run by, amongst other DAOs, the Community DAO…
Even my Twitter handle was made for Harmony .
(Believion = Believe in One)
I am not going to make this too long because I love to make things simple – short and sweet.

  1. Tell everyone something so memorable that we’ll remember you for?
    A. I am known for some of my quotes like:
    #BeTheOne #One4All #All4One #DotOne & “$5 in May” (Maybe 2022 now!) .
    An energetic, young, fun loving guy who tries to keep everyone pumping and excited for the future of Harmony One.
    Anti-FUD and 100% positive vibes emanate from my soul daily and that is also contagious!

  2. Share how you want to contribute to this community.
    A. I am good in explaining complicated things in an easy way, breaking down the often technical or confusing information into easy to understand bite size quotes.
    Quick learner and adaptive.
    Honest, humble & helpful.
    Good with constructive criticism and finding loopholes (not technical).
    I would like to help with these things wherever it fits and serve the community to benefit the community :heart:

  3. What do you currently do that already serves the Harmony One Community?
    A. I am active mainly on Twitter and Telegram.
    I promote Harmony daily on Twitter, answering community questions, sharing tweets and creating thoughtful posts relating to how awesome Harmony One is.
    I spend a lot of time in Telegram groups and am honored to be an Admin in a few of those as well as creating and maintaining the BOTs that can quickly provide useful information and security to the users there. I believe these skills will be also useful for the DAO.

I am already an active member of the community in a full-time capacity and wish to take my dedication to the next level in order to serve the community in a more official capacity.
I have assisted many investors, validators and curious observers in an impartial, unbiased way and believe that my values align with the ethics portrayed by the Harmony Protocol.
If I am elected, I will be a dedicated, loyal and humble servant to the community and it would be my greatest honor to achieve that goal.
I appreciate any support and votes for my candidacy .

  • BelievioN

Great to see you are putting yourself forward!!

I think you will be a great asset to the DAO.


Happy to see you applying for this! Would be an honor to see you there and support our Harmony Community.


Thanx alot Buddy :raised_hands:t2::heart:

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I will try to give my best buddy​:heart: thanx for the support :raised_hands:t2:


Would love to see you as part of the DAO.


One more great addition to Harmony DAO :heart_eyes:


+1 for Gyan! Insert Keanu Reeves Jesus Sticker


Of course you have my vote bro!


Finally you went aboard for this!


Definitely got my vote!


Thnx alot buddy :raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2::heart:

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I Will give my best​:heart::heart::heart:

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Thanx brother :raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2::heart:

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Thanx alott smh :raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2::heart:

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All bcz of love i got from the HARMONY community :heart:

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Thanx brother :raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2::heart::heart::heart:

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Got my vote man! no better candidate


Thanx alott man​:heart::heart::heart:

Sounds good. How do we get a vote?