DAO deliverables, Engaging with the broader community, and more!
Hello to our fellow Harmony community!
The community DAO held the 12th official Twitter space to increase engagement and boost participation from the broader community. Listed below are a number of key highlights from the talk that spanned over 3 hours with 50 unique participants throughout.
We need YOU ! Every ONE should feel encouraged to join in the conversation held on Twitter or on the official Harmony forum at talk.harmony.one .
The importance of this cannot be understated. The community DAO is your way to shape the future of our incredible community. As a Harmony ONE token holder, you have the ability to CREATE & VOTE on proposals that can be funded and implemented by the DAO.
Without further ado, listed below are notes from the calll; in a format we can use to keep you up to date with all the latest conversations surrounding governance and community growth.
You can now listen to a recording of the call on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/OneCommunityDAO/status/1471963328583028740?s=20
Notes taken by Harmonious Dude:
“The Community DAO is the DAO that represents the entirety of the Harmony community. The Harmony Community DAO mandates are as follows. These mandates serve as the ultimate role for the Harmony Community DAO:
Growth : Onboard users on missions and culture, pollinate values across communities
Engagement : Amplify content of roadmap and milestones, creative campaigns of products
Diversity : Solicit voices and votes in forums, reinforce strong governance participation
The purpose of these twitter spaces is to inform the community of activities surrounding the DAO, provide updates to the Harmony roadmap, and announce upcoming events and new developments within the community. But most importantly, these spaces are an opportunity for you, the community, to ask questions and provide opinions on any number of subjects that you feel fall within our mandates. Ideally, we would like to limit these discussions to around 2 hours and to keep the conversation respectful and relevant to the operations of the DAO.”
(Please include any available links to any of the talking points below so that they can be included at the top of the twitter space.)
Announcements of work completed in the past week within the DAO and any ongoing governance proposals or votes:
1: HCIP-03- Charter was ratified with 100% voting in favor. View link to see final document with all approved annexes. https://twitter.com/OneCommunityDAO/status/1471228669477756928?s=20
2: Team of governors from each of the 4 core DAOs has been formed for work on a Harmony Landing Page. First meeting this week.
3: Payout to 2 contributors to the dao. Sandra @TheCryptopia received $100 in ONE for translations of twitter space recaps and CDAO charter. Mando received $20 in ONE for creating the CDAO twitter space flyer.
4: The CDAO has submitted their funding proposal through talk.harmony.one and is still awaiting word. Please check the attached tweet and go give it likes and comments of support if you would like to see us remain funded. https://twitter.com/OneCommunityDAO/status/1468365670140334083?s=20
5: Christmas week giveaway to be announced soon. Details still being finalized, but there are 2 purposes: one, to reward our followers heading into the holidays; two, to assist with one of our deliverables, which is to grow our twitter following to 5,000 accounts
6: changes to twitter space schedule in coming weeks due to holidays:
Updates on roadmap and other core team highlights:
1: Chainlink deployed on mainnet- https://twitter.com/harmonyprotocol/status/1470801202774298624?s=20
2: Harmony 2021 year in review and look ahead to 2022 https://twitter.com/harmonyprotocol/status/1470494075346378759?s=20
3: Harmony approves 20 more proposals for $300 million ecosystem fund https://twitter.com/harmonyprotocol/status/1471218867934351364?s=20
Upcoming events in the community (core team or community led)
1: Add Crypto Arcade’s google community calendar here: https://twitter.com/TheCryptoArcade/status/1468992821550010371?s=20 Please reach out to the CDAO or crypto arcade to add any Harmony related events to their community calendar.
2: University Hackathon: University Hackathon
register: University Hackathon by Harmony @ TAIKAI
“Now we’d like to welcome anyone that wishes to speak, the opportunity to do so. If you’d like to participate, please request the mic and we will bring you up.
Topics to initiate conversation should there be dead air:
1: ETH->ONE indie nft bridge initiative: ETH->ONE #IndieNFT Bridge Initiative (let edd speak if there) Discuss purpose for the initiative and mention that the grant was approved. Can ask the listeners if they have ideas of projects to consider and also ask if they have thoughts on barriers needed to cross before part of the grant is issued to a prospective project.
2: People shared their Harmony story (where they came from, how they found harmony, and where it’s taken them.
-Go back over the ongoing proposals and upcoming events listed before closing out the space