GameFi Crossing - Enter the world of Xangaea. $250k Partnership Application


Name of Project / DAO / Company
GameFi Crossing

Application Type

On the crossing
GameFi Crossing (GFX), formerly known as Freyala, is currently going through an intense rebrand. Rebranding not just to give a clear and direct highway into the future, but also a rebrand to be born anew. We are determined to further create our community, and to create a hub for all new and established users and projects. A place to come together, discuss and share. In this journey - we ourselves (GFX) create projects, assets and stories not just to showcase, but also to inspire. To inspire other creators to either use the GFX platform in pursuit of their own vision, or to help us achieve our vision as well…

GFX is a project actively soliciting innovation and creativity, and is open to both old and new users. Together with the Harmony ecosystem, GFX is determined to bring traditional gaming to Web3, from idle browser games to full-fledged 3D modeled executables - bringing Web3 to the next level.

By encouraging the ability to use other projects’ NFTs and tokens within our own world, we showcase to the world the real usage potential of Web3. Decentralized projects, decentralized assets - built to succeed by removing single points of failure, empowering creators and motivating the creation and rebirth of older projects.

X marks the spot.

What happened to the old name, why the rebrand?
All good stories have a villain, there is no light without darkness. GFX too, has dealt with a villain - but during our recovery period, we have shown the true power of decentralization. In true Web3 fashion, we as a community stepped up against the wrongdoings of a single entity and brought the project and its token back to true form.

GFX has secured all tokens and contracts, multisigged the treasury and are currently auditing the known contracts holding and allocating currencies. We are ready to listen, communicate, and step forward into a bright future. For this future, to give the name a clear and free meaning - we have decided to do a full rebrand for the entire project, while keeping its core intention pure.

GameFi is a crypto world that incorporates community, gaming, and profitability. A Crossing is a place of confluence, meeting and flow, of enterprise, marketplace, ideas and culture. Energy flows through and around the crossing, and can maintain direction or change path according to one’s need or desire.

GameFi Crossing is (and will continue to be) a meeting place for projects and people, a place where ideas can be shared and built, where success can be achieved with the support of a strong community.

Without further ado.

Building the team
With a rebrand, comes a new plan. Community ideas and interaction is not just part of the plan, it is the plan. Together with the community a new game plan has been coordinated. A new collaborative platform, the idea factory and a firm just-in-time delivery system with a clear weekly featured roadmap. A team that is both collaborative but also organized into pillars of strength to give a clear understanding of its needs and wants, and a tremendous ability to execute.

Perhaps most importantly, no single decision maker. The intent of GFX is to ensure that decisions will be voted on through layers. Layers of team and layers of community, creating a curated democracy. Over time, the DAO will shift through members and size - creating a dynamic, but also modular decision making process, keeping the project both modern and fresh.

Harnessing the team’s energy
The team did not just expand, it also gained more motivation than ever - building the project, building the community, but most of all…building the ecosystem! The GFX team consists of members working on GFX directly, and is also fortified with team members from other projects. This ensures the team and the community members that GFX can connect with other projects through pure transparency and seamless integration. Because of our vision and enthusiasm, GFX is well poised to work together with other projects, and with future on-chain integrations and off-chain oracles.

Building the world
The restructure of the past month has been punctuated with CryptoPigs Tamagotchi, Plot Farming, NFT Staking and much more!

The new base world, renamed to is similar to the Pangaea we may recognize, as it continues to evolve, to move, and to grow. The Frey have thrown off their shackles and returned to their roots - community, personal growth and commerce. They have embraced their past, and love of the world around them, and have renamed their world to reference it’s ancient roots.

Xangaea has been updated with emissions and minigames, and empowering the true reason for GFX, contains a marketplace for Dingos, a game for CryptoPigs and NFT Staking for Defi Kingdoms Heroes! This is just the beginning, GFX is open to suggestions and open to feature requests! It’s time to bring everything (and everyone!) together!

Hand in hand, humanity enlightens.


As part of the recovery and regrowth plan, a Harmony Gnosis Multisig wallet has been created and all tokens now live securely with the requirement that multiple people sign project-related transactions.

Currently, the multisig group consists of GFX members, Tranquility City members and a Harmony Core Team member. Because the Harmony Core Team member is an original team member of GFX, we request another Harmony Core team member to join the Harmony Multisig Wallet. By keeping a Harmony Core Team member as part of our multi-sig, we will continue to foster GFX <> Harmony mutual trust in the partnership.

The current members of the multisig wallet are:

  • Tailchakra - known project developer and Harmony validator, has been a part of the Harmony ecosystem and GFX team from very near the beginning.

  • Limi - Cryptopigs developer, incubated by the GFX team - both the project and the project’s lead has joined GFX for the road to greatness.

  • BadAtBlockchain - GFX solidity developer, known for the true on-chain generated NFT project Scribbles

  • HopeSlicer - GFX frontend developer, brought the GFX world to the next level. Currently working on Frey Bosses using Construct.

  • CryptoGainz - Tranquility City architect, a known and trusted Harmony validator.

  • Flu - Harmony Core team member, Harmony validator and multichain-wide BizDev!

Because the multisig currently consists of 6 owners, we request another Harmony Core team member to join the multisig for true security and transparency.

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Now what!

What happens next is something that hasn’t often happened before. A world created around partnerships, intertwined projects and coordinated development. A project whose efforts will include rebranding the website, repurposing the world, and creating open source assets and supportive work. GFX is actively seeking partnerships, investments and mutual interest!

First off, the rebrand!
Both the website and the world are completely being rebranded, redesigned and redeveloped!

A new map, a fresh map! A map with endless possibilities. Expandable, extendable, explorable! Redesigned and revamped! A new, fresh colour scheme that will be rediscovered in all elements of GFX. Pop up screens showing fresh and clean data - with new modern, clean and clear fonts! All available data on one page, with GFX’s very own wiki, a dynamic FAQ and interactive, always updated roadmap!

Revamped 3D models, redesigned game mechanics and artists more motivated than ever! GFX will open source cryptids before launch, allowing other players and other developers to both play the game and to collaborate in the development! Bounties will be assigned, features requested and bug finds awarded!

The games, the website and the world, as well as the general theme of the project will be completely revamped! GFX has created beautiful style sheets to maintain look and feel in the overall design of the project. Clear color selections, logo variants, backgrounds, structure, and more!

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.

Application for $250,000 matching $250,000 worth of the GFX yet to announce token regarding CryptIDs

  • Partnership grant allocation
    The allocations associated with the partnership grant will be assigned to specific functions, allowing for true transparency.

  • Rebrand development (60%) - The majority of the grant will be allocated to developers and artists handling the rebrand development. The roadmap for the rebrand spans over a 4 month period containing massive quantities of assets and lines of code. The allocation will be used to ensure a $75/hr payment for existing and yet-to-onboard team members.

  • Events and marketing (20%) - Events include the broadest meaning of the word. The grant portion allocated to events will be used for both community virtual events, and physical events during conferences all over the world, designed to expand the GFX reach. GFX will physically attend conferences and host in-person AMA’s with existing and upcoming projects in the Harmony ecosystem. GFX will host booths for, and together with, Harmony projects and core team members.

  • Bounties (10%) - GFX represents communities, working together. The portion allocated to bounties will be used to set clear bug bounties, feature requests and asset reliefs, enabling off-team developers and artists to work together with GFX to create a better ecosystem. The allocated funds will be used as rewards for said submissions.

  • Workshops and community (5%) - GFX will partner with existing artists, and will create workshops to teach inspired new users and lower the barrier for Web3 art and development. The grant portion allocated to workshops will be used for both virtual and physical workshops, enabling an easy entry into the creative space of Harmony.

  • DAO (5%) - GFX is committed to create an expansive DAO to run the overall ecosystem. The grant portion allocated to the DAO will be used to both market and obtain DAO growth to further decentralize the project, thereby removing the single point of failure a hierarchy can create


Now that’s a strong comeback :nerd_face:


looking forward to battling and evolvign the harmons


This project will bring so many new users to harmony when boss battles and cryptids are released - congratulations - this is well deserved!


So, I own the coin and nfts, but what have this guys delivered to warrant 250k? If am not mistaken, they have already been awarded 50k earlier.

The guy building “holygrail” project is asking for approx half that amount, and has built more in a month than this guys have built in the past 6months. Its only right to employ the same intense precaution been utilized with the aforementioned project when considering this 250k request.

Following the several mishaps experienced by the project in the past few months, it would seem more ideal for the team to focus on building/delivering something worthy of a 250k request.
I have noticed some builds/updates post the fiasco, but nothing to warrant such a request. As I mentioned earlier, the single dev at holygrail has probably built more in a month than this guys have delivered since inception.
And am all for the rebrand, and will like to see the project succeed, but a project shouldn’t be the generously rewarded following a big mishap. They should rather focus on rebuilding rapport with the community as a whole.


You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about if you’re comparing gamefi crossing to a copy+paste game like holygrail.


I understand your concerns and I get what you are feeling. However what has happened in the past 6 months has nothing to do with what happens after the rebrand. It is a new team and there is a clear vision. We have multiple games being worked on as we speak, incl the golden goose CryptIDs. In the month after the rebrand started we have launched a multi nft marketplace, plot emissions and nft staking.

I would prefer not to start comparing, Holygrail does ask for less. While this is true, Holygrail also has no need to create mechanics and assets since these are a bought toolkit from the Unity store. So comparing the two is an unfair match. GameFi Crossing is both a different setup and is built from the ground up, all models are custom made and all mechanics are developed ourselves. All assets and 3D models take time and effort to create and need the free creativity to be designed. We are more than happy to have an in depth chat with you on how, what and why we do things.


regardless if its copy/paste, we have actual gameplay that we can experience. And am not comparing both projects, just using it as an example to evaluate request. A project that just got done dealing with the fiasco they went thru, should be more focused on delivering to abate the doubters, before requesting such an amount.

Its a “new team” but its still the same builders, just missing one admin. And I didn’t mean to compare both projects, and its quite understood that everything with cryptid is been built from scratch.
However, nothing stops the project from requesting a reasonable amount, delivering on something tangible to win over rapport and then making another request.
This seem more like “oops, we messed up, can we get another 250k, even though you already gave us 50”

They never gave us 50. We backed out of the original grant due to unclearity and insecurities. If anything, there wouldve been a grant upon launch, not a pre-payment. We backed out of the original investment because of set rules and expectations that we didnt want to meet because it didnt fit the schedule.

This is not about greed, this is about regocnition and the ability to throw it all around to give Harmony the comeback of the century. I accept your skepticism and am determined to prove your feeling wrong. I hope you will see us through!

Psh, about the team. A lot has changed. :). The project has retired its hierarchy and is no longer prone to a single point of failure.


Oh well, I have stated my opinion. I don’t think the current work matches the requested amount. Personally, I think they should wait till we (the public) have something a bit more tangible from your team before dishing out such an amount.
Regardless of who is on your team, or how well known you are around the harmony space, its only appropriate they keep the playing field fair for everyone/team.

Full Disclosure

I have been a member of the Freyala (now GameFi Crossing) community for about 10 months or so, and have been privileged to become part of the rebuild team over the past month. I own NFTs, plots, and XYA - so I have a vested interest.

I was also an early holder of HLY when it first launched. I no longer hold any HLY.

I’ll explain the reason for this clarification in a moment.

I learned a long time ago to sell product/brand/concept on intrinsic value, and not to sell against competition. At some point in time, the competition may be you, or you may become partners. Never burn bridges.

I think that’s the value that GameFi Crossing brings to the table - it differentiates itself, it provides value to the space, and it encourages cooperation and partnership - which leads to shared growth.

The past year has been tumultuous for the Freyala community, and there have been setbacks. At every turn, the community, team, and investors have responded quickly and decisively, because they see the value of the project overall. The rebrand to GameFi Crossing solidifies the approach, and casts in stone the concept of working together for the greater good - which is, basically, a core value of the Harmony blockchain.

Here’s the point of my opening - I feel I must respond to Que - trying to compare a grant application with a partnership application, alluding to a grant that never occurred, and citing the struggles of a growing project (including an outsider attack) is disingenuous and unfair. Comparing the game mechanics and required development time is simply not possible. So let’s understand each other, let’s understand our history, and let’s stay focused.

I think that’s a key point behind the development of GFX - it’s not about competition, it’s about partnership. It’s about a rising tide floating all ships. Say what you like about past experience, that experience brings resolve and determination.

This is a community project. And it will support the entire Harmony community - hence “partnership”.

Mutual respect
All key components of GFX
All key components of Harmony

So let’s move forward, let’s speak facts, and let’s not compare where comparison is unwarranted. Each project (GFX and HLY) can support itself - and each other, if we are wise, and determined. And each project can benefit tremendously from Harmony support.

Opinion is one thing. Facts are another.

GFX is building for the future, the future of the project, the future of Harmony. That’s a fact.


Am not sure why everyone thinks am comparing xya and hly mechanics. I am just requesting that the harmony team as a whole utilize the same precaution employed with hly while dealing with xya.
The team can speak on how motivated they are, and all they plan to do, but the “fact of the matter” is what we the public have seen delivered thus far. Its also not helping that the project just went through a shit storm, and the first thought is to ask for a large sum of fund.

Btw, I too own a bunch of lands, frey, pigs and xya (so, I also have vested interest) but that won’t stop me from speaking up when something doesn’t look right/seem fair.
If this was any other project, and flu is not involved, would we even be having this convo? what other project will pull such a farce that occurred with xya, and be taken seriously if they started asking for 250k a few months later. Also, doesn’t help that we have barely seen any of the gameplay been touted. just drawings, little 3d mock up, and an extremely short teaser.

So, as I mentioned, I don’t have a problem with the rebrand. The delivered work, just need to match the request. And we currently have a crypto moment, were the delivered work is in no way worthy of such am amount. Am sure xya team is not the only team looking for partnership with harmony, and it should be strictly based on merit of delivered work.
Nothing stops the team from requesting a reasonable amount, use that to provide a reasonable gameplay for the public to experience in testnet, and then use the rapport built from that to request the remaining amount to finish the project.

And if you also must know why i brought up the hly project, i appreciate that the project was consumed with fud (i fudded hard too), he temp forgo the request, buckled down and delivered enough to show that he is serious. With freyala, we currently only got meager updates to land staking and few new shiny improvements to website.


Thanks for coming up and expressing your concerns. I see your perspective and have it addressed as we speak. The drawings and 3D mockup are honestly the best we had to show in the past due to solving the fiasco and continuing the development on the Art side, although we are entirely situated now. We will continue to push forward with the project, and the funds will help both the devs and the investors throughout the developmental period due to various reasons that will be made apparent soon. Nevertheless, a solid AMA has been pushed out with details on the release date of upcoming updates in addition to some undisclosed releases that will be coming in the next two quarters. Rest assured, we will deliver gameplay soon with more minor announcements too. Thanks again for expressing your concerns!


This will be the comeback of the century :slight_smile:

I’m super excited to see what this team can deliver after the hardships they have been through.

They have already delivered quick updates!

Keep up the great work!

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At the end of the day this is still a wonderfully strong team that should be supported by Harmony. Let’s not forget that these Devs have worked hard and were working hard before some other projects even launched. Yes, there have been setbacks, but these have only served to reinforce the trust that we should have in the core team. GameFi crossing has a bright future and will bring tons of value to the Harmony ecosystem. Great work as always.

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I am a XYA holder, land holder, and Frey holder. Autobattler is my favorite genre. Thus, I am rooting and waiting for the success of this project. That being said, I want to point out some things from the proposal and comments.

  1. I’ve looked at the new website, the Discord channels, and in the proposal - I see one massive thing missing: team info. Yes, you have information about the multi-sig holders and mentioned which ones are on the team…but why not have a section on the team? Especially after restructuring into a more flat hierarchical structure and trying to reduce “single points of failure”, I would think it more imperative to lay out who the team members actually are. There should be an updated org chart. For contributors, there should be a way to track them (publicly if you want transparency and decentralization). They don’t have to doxx, but they can provide some background and more importantly, what parts they are working on. (I did see the Google Map of the members’ locations, but it tells me nothing about the teams that they are on, or their backgrounds - and it’s not in the proposal)

Having more development content teasers/leaks is good for a project such as this one (art, music, lore, general game design, etc). Consistent AMAs with different teams (dev team, creative team, mod team, etc) could be good as a community engagement tool.

  1. While it’s good to show some of the planned changes/upgrades, I don’t see why you don’t apply for the partnership grant after the rollout (website, world site, and maps scheduled for March, which is just a few weeks later). When asking for larger grants, it would make more sense to have more out there first, rather than asking for funding on a promise.

  2. Tying in to the previous point, when asking for such funding, it would make sense to show some of the traction already achieved. Yes the game is not playable yet, but there are still lots of things to show, right?

Ex. monthly website traffic numbers; social media/Discord community growth numbers; token mcap and trade volume numbers; NFT project mint stats and/or trading volume numbers (including for Cryptopigs if it has become a part of GFX). There are lots of ways to show tangible progress since Freyala has been around for a while. Right now I can’t even tell how many total members there are in the Discord since that simple tracker bot is missing (intentionally or not).

One of my big concerns about the project is that I think a better job could be done regarding communication (ex. many people still think you guys got the $50k grant and it isn’t addressed in the Discord #announcements channel or #faq channel, when it could easily be). The last medium article was about a month ago. Weekly dev blogs would be a great way for the community to keep apprised of the progress. There are more than 6 moderators on the team. It feels like there should be manpower to dedicate toward communication (or maybe you should put a call out to create/grow the Marketing/Comms team).

The fact that Que could come here and compare the project to HLY in any respect should show you that despite what you may internally know, the outside does not know. And you should strive to have information readily available for everyone, not just those who happen to be in general chat or able to make an AMA (the last AMA announced said it would be recorded, but a week later I don’t know where to find a link to the recording). Just my two cents.


You’re absolutely correct. However, the past month has really been about internal restructure like the roadmap in the OP states. January we pushed out two major updates to show everybody we are here to stay. But we first had to reevaluate ourselves before being able to communicate it all to the outside. During the AMA of last week we announced the rename of the project, to finalize the rename we have renamed all attributes on the discord and website to the new name. With a new name comes the next up point of interest in the roadmap: march rebrand month.

You say new website, however there is no new website yet. The roadmap states that the new website will launch in a few weeks, march is all about the rebrand after all. New website, new world map, new scheduling and a new way of working. Everything you and others say will be brought on as feedback and will be used in the new format of gfx! So by all means, please shout out all your concerns and ideas, we can only learn from them. We are redoing the entire project while keeping it in the same essence it always has been, including your concerns: weekly snippets of the game, weekly updates, weekly community events, weekly medium posts!

I will post an extensive post of what we have and what will come (including snippets) later today.

  • the last AMA announced said it would be recorded, but a week later I don’t know where to find a link to the recording

Those that recorded the AMA during ethdenver only yesterday gave us the source material. We are now editing it and making sure we can upload this.


If am been honest, i don’t see how the expulsion of freya changes the technical side of things. Its still the same tech team, just an improvement to the security by adding multi signature. So, in a scenario were freya wasn’t expelled last month, and the project made this offer, the public will still want proof to show what you have been doing all this months.

Also, i will repeat it again that my only comparison with hly, is that I employ the harmony team to take the same precaution utilized with hly, when dealing with xya. regardless of whom is on xya team.
At the end of the day, am sure other projects in the harmony space could also use a 250k partnership with harmony, so this should strictly be based on merit accrued from delivered work.

Also, i was there for the touted ama that is suppose to clear all question, and if we been honest with each other, that ama was a disaster. The moderator on discord, spent the first hr trying to connect with the team. When the ama finally started, they brought on some VR company they supposedly partnered, and they didn’t seem like they were even ready for the ama, they couldn’t give clear answers, and the whole thing sound like they just found out about the ama a few hrs ago and just winged it.

when ppl started complaining on the thread that they didn’t show up for this, they finally made an attempt to connect with the moderator on discord. Then reiterated old info, and tailchakra was unable to commit to most things. For most things, he ended with “I can promise that I will deliver” which is alright to curtail expectation. But not alright if you turn around and ask for 250k partnership a few days later.
So, yeah like the other person mentioned, communication is important and we need to see tangible proof of work that has been done all this months. not pics/minor 3d models but actual proof to warrant such a partnership. cos gamefi is not the only project on harmony space, and i hate to sound like a broken record, but any partnership (esp one of such amount) should strictly be based on work delivered, not promises.

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Lets start off with, both your concerns are correct. Yes we have much to learn, especially when it comes to communication - so for this post, please bear with me!

First off, thanks for being a XYA holder and standing beside us during these times! We will not dissapoint. Let me take the time to answer a few of these questions!

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Thanks for glearing over the new domain! Note that I said domain, not website! The new website is still in the making - what we have done in the past few weeks is thoroughly discuss on how to handle this. During these discussions there was one topic that kept coming back, one topic that we gave the greatest importance - we had to get rid of the name. We decided to create a name with a reasoning, a global name that was easy to remember and easy to pronounce. Within that global name, we would deliver our own products but also showcase other projects products. A few examples of our own products are Xangaea, The Frey, the marketplace and CryptIDs. Examples of these outer-world projects are Dingos, DFK and CryptoPigs.

Because changing the name was pressing, we decided to do that first - thus announcing the new name on the AMA and changing the name project-wide. Next up comes March, March is our time to rebrand, with a new brand comes new life. We want to recreate everything, with our own nifty style. The project will literally be born anew, free from what it was when it was still handled by different hands. The new website will have an extensive interactive team page, handling ALL of our team members and a gamified roadmap - showing even the tiniest updates. The changes we do, we want to do them structured, timed and announced. In the coming month, during the rework of the website - all your questions are answered in full.

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Investments, grants and partnerships usually take weeks - if not months. Preparing the initiation right now and answering all the questions needed in order to get accepted for an Harmony partnership is us asking for a larger grant after the rollout. Giving out the post in this time gives us the opportunity to collect questions and feedback from both the Harmony users and the Harmony core. In the meantime we are able to internally discuss these questions and answer in a proper fashion.

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For everything we have made now, we have determined a planned announcement to build up a structured announcement towards June. I completely understand the entry of this question, so for that I have something at the end of this post :slight_smile:

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In fact, the expulsion of Freya changes everything. Before the takeover, Freya was the project lead and the team were followers. Freya was the deciding factor what happened, how it happened and why it happened. The team was hired to create the vision that she had created, I as developer only visualized the on and off-chain possibilities of her ideas. Freya controlled the funds and the team additions and therefore controlled the projects outcome. There is no longer a singular decider, there is now a team deciding what, how, when and why updates exist and arrive.

While the projects vision has stayed the same (we shared the vision), the operation behind it has changed massively. Funds are treated more carefully, team cooperation has been optimized and features have gotten structured designs. Apart from that we have added multiple mods, artists and atleast 3 new developers since she left. These team additions will be added on the interactive team page of the new website.

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I completely agree that the Harmony team should take good precaution in all grants, maybe ours specifically a bit more due to the history of the project. But I find it also fair to give us the chance to prove ourselves, which you do by constantly returning to ask questions - so my respect to that, thank you. We are here to prove ourselves, we are here to show what we have done, are doing and will be doing!

The investment originated from good conversations with all kinds of projects and team members of Harmony before and during Denver. We have been contacting countless of people and projects all over the chain in terms of coorporation and what we can mean for them (and they can mean for us). I also agree that more projects in the Harmony space can use a partership agreement, I would love for all the projects that require funding to step up - show what they are made of, why they are here and keep trying. When (if) Harmony says no to an investment, grant or partnership - they say no for a reason. What keeps you from working on that very reason? This partnership request is more than a request for funding. It is a request for recognition and feedback, from both the Harmony core as its users (like you). I actually request for more users to give their feedback to this application. I wish to know what we do right, what we do wrong and what we can do to do even better.

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The AMA was planned to be a very structured well behaved AMA. We had arranged a private space in the very hotel Harmony Core was staying, matter of fact - some of them were standing on the other side of the glass wall listening with us. The meaning of the AMA was both to give our rebranded name announcement as it was the start of a partnership with various other projects. Ogre joined us to give unbiased questions and information about both projects, however with multiple people there are more variables to take into account. MadNFTs had told us a few hours before that they had to leave a lot sooner than was initially discussed so we decided to swap around the schedule. As you might’ve noticed, we too are human and can make mistakes. We have filmed the entire AMA and are editing it as we speak - this will be uploaded with an intro and correct timestamps when this has finished.

We had a good briefing after the AMA and wrote down what we did right, but also what we did wrong. We are currently in the work to set up an AMA schedule that will come back multiple times - in these videos we will contact different projects every time after we discussed our own communities questions first. It’s up to me to man up now and say we screwed up the scheduling, that’s true. We did, I did. But to show you how serious we are in this, I publically doxxed myself right there on that spot - not just to Harmony Core, but also to the Harmony Chain in general. We’re here to stay, we will show you what we are made of.

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Ending this paragraph, let me kick off with what we have done so far.

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An on-chain multi-NFT marketplace. This marketplace gives us the ability to trade any of our existing and future products. The golden goose project CryptIDs contains playable monsters (Harmons) and usable items, our on-chain marketplace is the marketplace used ingame, inapp and insite! The marketplace contains not just our NFTs, but also our partnered project NFTs! Usage of this marketplace enhanced the utility of The Frey giving them reflections PER frey over every sale. The marketplace has in-depth information about all our NFTs, even showing on-chain attribute levels and treasury value of the owned and on-sale plots of land!

Fully on-chain decentralized Tamagotchi. As our partnerships with other projects evolve, we also deliver on their wants and hopes! Together with CryptoPigs we have delivered a completely decentralized version of tamagotchi. Keeping your pig alive by feeding, playing, washing and resting you can grow your pig older! For every pig registered per epoch you gain the CryptoPigs coin $COINX from the treasury based on your pigs attributes and age. Yes, I also said attributes! We have decentralized your pigs generative attributes and have given the rarity of your pig actual utility on the Harmony blockchain!

To enhance the importance of our NFTs, we have given plots a full emission utility, but unlike other emission NFTs we have also enabled the usage of our (and partnered) other NFTs. Staking your NFT in one of your plots enables extra plot attribute levels giving you a boosted emission schedule! For this we have not just used The Frey, CryptoPigs, but also DeFi Kingdoms! You heard it right, we also enabled The Frey on-chain attributes and make use of on-chain hero attributes.

To both enhance the usage of plots and prepare for our Frey Boss battles we have created a Google Maps-esk system for our plots where you can browse through user-selected positions in user-chosen neighbourhoods acording to a calculated XY coordination system, just slide to a specific plot, copy the URL and you can automatically zoom in to your specific plot whenever!

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Regarding CryptIDs, I understand you wish to play the game beforehand. However balancing is 75% of an autobattler. To balance, you need characters - for characters you need designs. I am however, able to share with you an extensive list of already 3D modelled characters and a 1:1 battle between me and the AI (yes, the AI. We have also created an AI system that you can battle to practice various strategies).

After the rebrand, the majority of our funds will go to creating various amounts of battlegrounds, UX/UI and the animation of these next up characters.

Link to preview video: preview

Here is a curated array of already created 3D models. Bear in mind, we wanted to slowly reveal these - but here they are:

For Frey bosses, the majority of the cards have already been finished - however we have a planned release on showcasing these cards and their mechanics - and the bosses have already fully been generated and the contract for it has been finished. The bosses launch STRAIGHT after our rebrand and your plots play a huge role in this.