Harmony Education DAO

Your goals are similar, from Harmony community perspective it would be confusing why there are two DAOs with similar goals. It’s a DAO, you can join it and work for your mission there. They should have regular elections so you can get elected in 3 months to realise your objectives.

You still didn’t answer why Harmony needs two DAOs like that? Will you target different women?


I also want to add my general opinion, as a woman.

This kind of thinking and missions are actually working against their supposed goals. Why? It creates silos. “Let’s work on xxx tech” is an inclusive goal. “Let’s work on having xxx in tech” is exclusive and promotes silo thinking. These women who are genuinely interested in this tech will have to eventually work alongside men (or just other people regardless of gender).

What strikes me more. I have never seen those initiatives target young girls and teenagers. Education is about investing in the future. It’s a lofty goal worth pursuing. If these organisations really wanted to make a change in representation of women in crypto, they should target the young generation of girls, to encourage and show them web3, blockchain as viable option so eventually they can work alongside their peers regardless of gender.

Instead, it will be a boot camp for adult women, paid, and there will be talks about blockchain.


Thank you for engaging, I do appreciate it. However I’m confused by your points. Again HER DAO have already allocated their spending. These are different offerings. Are you suggesting that we apply for the grant under HER DAO or that HER DAO redirect allocated funding?

I think women are bright enough to see the various DAOs and decide which ones best serve their needs.

There is no reason that women can’t be part of more than one DAO. I believe this happens regularly for everyone. That said regarding targeting different women, women make up 50% of the population. Plenty of target audience.

Have I answered your questions?

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Its not just 2 of these DAOs, its like 4 at this point.

Enough is enough. Common sense says join an existing funded DAO if you really care. But that wouldn’t pad a pocket very well would it? Most of us see through this charade. I hope Harmony is taking notes


This is an excellent initiative… More power to the this Amazing team :clap:

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The Pheonix Guild is doing an excellent job on onboarding women in web3. I have learnt a lot in the previous session of the bootcamp. We need such kind of deepdives + guides, without which I think woman like me, who can’t afford much, would be lost! Grateful for the free bootcamps! Hats off!


I was going through some hot posts and look what I found, some hungry boggard.
And it seems only fake accounts are appreciating it, I mean look at all those new profiles they are created to appreciate this post only.
Asking $615k, are you guys kidding. :joy::joy::joy:


It’s great to see so much activity on our post and we are really humbled to see so many men and women show their support. Bridget has been doing a great job responding to the comments. I would like to add some of my own thoughts here.

  1. First off, it’s really disappointing to note there hasn’t been any push back containing constructive comments related to education or any of our programs, but instead most have been questioning our ask for 615k$. Is this reflective of how folks value education in the web3 ecosystem? It’s certainly a problem we want to solve. We recognise education is not an immediate impact game like a DeFi protocol with million locked as TVL or P2E games with millions of users but it is high impact and a long term game. This education will produce an even more important asset - quality workforce that can build the above said immediate impact products in web3.

  2. There are a lot women supporting The Phoenix Guild in the comments and taking about our Solidity bootcamp. FYI, this is an ongoing bootcamp teaching Solidity to a 100 women in a structured way, inclusive of projects that they would be building during the bootcamp. We started the bootcamp with 0$ funding and are delivering it pro bono. Clearly this is not sustainable and due to the traction that our bootcamp is gaining now, protocols want to invest in us and that’s the impact we are creating as a community. It’s depressing to see some of you commenting about the funding ask without seemingly doing any research on the programs mentioned.

  3. Last but not least, the funding ask is not a one shot take it all 615k$, instead, each of these programs have their own structure, timelines and milestones during which the funding would be disbursed.

Regarding collaboration with other DAOs, we have put up this proposal as a joint initiative between 3 female-led communities spread across the globe because we don’t want to work in silos, we wish to work collaboratively and grow the ecosystem across the globe. In relation to HER DAO, we have mentioned several times already that they have funds earmarked for their activities and are unable to support us from a funding aspect.

We are happy to accept constructive criticism and lines of questioning on our curriculums, programs and how we plan to give back to the Harmony community. Do not expect us to engage in any comments regarding cash grabbing and such, we do not have spare time to engage in unconstructive comments.

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


You’re out of your mind and out of touch with reality. It’s like we can’t establish a baseline of common sense.

Most people (me included) here would love to support educational efforts, except this proposal has little to do with bringing actual impact on Harmony’s future thru education and is certainly not worth 600k expenditure and especially in light that some similar initiatives were already funded.

Your goals to bring more women into crypto space are in line with now apparently 4 other DAOs. Why can’t you work under one of them? Why does it HAVE to be seperate, additional 600k funding? Or maybe the other DAO’s failed to do their tasks to recruit you into their ranks. Who knows.

I don’t know, really really can’t wrap my head around, why do women need separate kind of education? Looking at the spreadsheets, some of those boot camps’ budgets have easily 50k for “content creation”. Can you explain why do women who want to learn solidity or become full stack or marketers need special kind of content? Why can materials to teach solidity for anyone else be used (or are those materials for men only)? And what is the 50k in each case actually spent for?

You don’t want to address those points hiding behind “it’s unconstructive comments” even though they ARE constructive, because it challenges your point of view and makes you uneasy. If a woman, like yourself, shies away from uneasy but necessary obstacles, if you will, how do you want women to keep up in challenging and fast paced environment like web3 and blockchain? Why do you turn your face away when people point out, they see a cash grab? If it wasn’t, it would have been easy to dismiss it and turn around.

Your comment about “joint initiative of women led DAOs” not being in silos is actually the opposite. You are creating BIGGER silos. If you want to break them, the women-led DAO’s would work with some organisations that are NOT women related specifically. Literally everything you say is twisted.

Contrary to what you say, the commenters here actually have done due diligence. I never spoke before but I recognise some names, I believe some commenters here (that are not first time posting “amazing initiative!”) are validators. They have put time and effort into building Harmony. Their views should be respected, not dismissed.


I’m glad you said it :joy:


This DAO request is such a big red flag!

Points observed:

  1. Too big of an ask!
    Suggestion: create a concrete plan of how your governors are planning to structure the first 3 months. What after 3 months (a broad roadmap), Share a spend breakdown (don’t mention 1k followers for $10k kinda things, we know how dirty marketing is being used in web3 these days)How are you planning to conduct elections for next term? and so on and so forth.

  2. Too many new accounts: Guys! what are you planning to do with these new accounts? Creating fake/new accounts to push your thread up? This strategy will not get you funding. An ideal scenario would be for where you get to know what the community thinks? let them see you application and reply. Fake/new accounts won’t do the job here.

  3. You really want to work for greater good? Try collaborating with existing DAOs who share the same vision. Be part of the community, understand the problems, make difference, run for elections, bring change!

A good start to re-write the proposal would be to have a look at the guidelines:



Despite my gut feeling i immediately got reading this project i believe on fairness and give benefit of the doubt, hence my proposal for a funded business plan
Harmony is in need of all inclusive Education program.

I believe i am offering a constructive feedback with a way to help the Harmony ecosystem.

Let me make it even fairer. Assuming you have set up An all inclusive Harmony education program regardless to what state the Harmony Pay project is i will divert up to $10k from the project to work with you to have a student work on a live project with the potential to be employed once the company is formed.

I believe what i am proposing is very fair however you need to rethink the structure of your project and do a bit of work.

Still I don’t understand $67k on marketing budget

I just want to point out that it seems like the same group of people applied for separate grant to organise a single “boot camp”. Cost? 60-70k

I think this idea looks quite similar to an already running campaign.

you can check it out here.


Why only for womens :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:
Isn’t this gender discrimination??:no_mouth::no_mouth:


Great initiative! Would love to see how the DAO grows

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Evening everyone,
I just want to point out…
There are 33 accounts in support of this project that were ALL created on the same day 4/22/22 right after the proposal came out.

I would guess I have responded and engaged with over 40 DAO proposals here and they all have the same common denominator.

Here they are:
Virtue signaling/SJW/warm feelings
Ask for extravagant amount of money
Cannot form any solid facts behind their agenda

Harmony team-
If you are reading this, I would like to propose that once someone submits a Project X, Project Y or DAO proposal and is denied. They should NO LONGER be allowed to submit another proposal.

This would be a SOLID NO for me personally.

Take care!


Thank you. i thought they were on the right track and very professional but to not include Men, i felt the same way. Crypto needs mass adaptation and Many Many More Students of Web3. I do own a commercial building in Tahoe. Live Loft/Retreat for Instructors and students. Hands on NFT studio indoors and out doors. Mining facilities and node validators all from same building including a Broadcast studio for Zoom workshops. Its an all inclusive Crypto University. Start to finish, come in without crypto knowledge, leave as an educated influencer with a channel started. I have the Building Part , what i need is the team. The Start Up or (DAO) would stay in profit mode due to the node validators, Staking and mining. Even in a bear market these tools of crypto will keep the Crypto Camp running. ROI will happen automatically. In this way, USE a GRANT, But show how to keep it intact or even payit forward. The Grant money goes back to Harmony to help launch another one. Its self sustaining crypto farm.


Pretty awesome proposal. Any chance you could help start a small one here in Tahoe , Ca. I have the building and the land. but its all inclusive Crypto Learning center. Harmony is a Proof of Stake network, but we will mine BTC, KDA, Doge, Shib. When we understand proof of work , we can understand Proof of concept, proof of humanity, proof of stake. They all work together. Building a DAO portfolio should be part of the education. Anybody who DCA for the next 2 years is going to be sitting very very pretty. Anyway. Empty Commerical builiding on 1 acre in Tahoe is looking for a team.

Happy to jump on a call to discover more

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