Introduce yourself here

  1. Tell everyone something so memorable that we’ll remember you for.

  2. Share how you want to contribute to this community.

  3. Tell us how we can help your dreams.

Be bold. Color outside of the lines and do it your own way.

You can also reply to someone else’s introduction to welcome them or to share an interest!


Hi Comms!

My name is Ludi and things went so fast after exciting meetup with Harmony Blockchain from yesterday and last night. I got lucky and such a priviledge to be part of tiny little shard of Harmony that is to translate a Slide presentation about Harmony into Indonesian language.
Be able to do so I have this dream to spread and also get the words out so I am starting building our first local Harmony Indonesia community Telegram group.
I hope and do believe one day one blockhain cross-shard recursively algorithm joined nodes will change our world once and forever for the greater good!

“We need you, Harmony One”


I’m Ali Akbar from Jakarta

Thanks to Harmony Team, yesterday (25-Jan-19), I learn about HARMONY

Hope I can Contribute more and Indonesia Loves Harmony :wink:


Harmony loves you @AliAkbar!


Thanks :wink:

Now I’m reading all about Harmony in Medium, Telegram also Forum

So I can tell Indonesia how to love Harmony too :slight_smile:


Hi guys,

I’m Lydia, an introverted tech recruiter. :slight_smile: I have a friend who is excited about Harmony and would like to join you. On the other hand, I’m looking for companies to help them with their hiring needs ofc.

It would be great to meet you!


About me: I’m the Most Abstract Person in The World. For instance, I ask qustions like “Who is the angel for angel investing?”

Angel investors, that is :smiley:

As an entrepreneur, I’ve made a ton of money. As an angel investor, I’ve lost a ton of money. As an angel (investor), I felt unprotected… hence I started Awake.VC which is powered by Awake OS.

So Awake OS is like Ruby on Rails for new Internet businesses - an opinionated Internet OS (a set of interoperable cloud services) that abstracts the 80% common stuff that every startup is rolling on their own “distributed systems framework/architecture” and provides end-to-end scaffolding

This new OS / platform helps me (and other angels) launch startups on rails at hyper speed - allowing me to amplify the angel power - we can now do 1000 companies a year - around The World - because while Awake OS does most of the tech heavy lifting, does the strategy and joint venture building.

This changes early stage investing forever - why on earth would you invest in a startup that isn’t using a modern busienss OS? And where you couldn’t see all the data in order to scale the business? Duh.

But here’s the good news! Awake OS is open source. And I’m looking for a blockchain partner for the opinionated choice of “default blockchain”.

Harmony seems aligned, because this is how I see the world - The Awake World View.

I’m here to use tech for 10 billion, to enable 10 billion centers of human potential.

Can’t wait to collaborate!

Amit Rathore

PS - and I do mean that thing about the Most Abstract Person. Ask me in person.


Hey Amit,

I absolutely love your vision and we should absolutely collaborate. I see that you’ll be joining us at the BBQ tomorrow so our team is looking forward to meeting you in person!

Are you interested to present about Awake.VC tomorrow? We normally have around 5 other entrepreneurs/companies present each weekend and we’d be delighted to hear more about what you’re doing!

I see a lot of alignment between Awake.VC and Harmony. With easier infrastructure for startups we can have more innovation and more well being for the world. Harmony believes that blockchain will be a core component of all software in the future, creating a more open and inclusive economy for all 10 billion of us.

And if you are choosing a default blockchain for your OS, it had better be Harmony, otherwise how will the applications grow to global scale? We are the secure, high performance blockchain that you will need.

Looking forward to chatting!

P.S. I have a feeling you might actually be the Most Abstract Person in The World.


Oh and please join our discord channel so we can chat more informally too!


Just joined the Discord, looking forward to catching up!

And yes, happy to present Awake tomorrow - or chat about it more like :slight_smile:

See you shortly!


Hi! :slightly_smiling_face:

My name is Alex and I am CEO and Founder of Phenom. Here is my LinkedIn.

I like the vision of Harmony and I would like Phenom to support the Harmony network and become a Foundational Node Partner.

We have major experience in blockchain development, more than 2 years experience in hosting full blockchain nodes, we have our own blockchain infrastructure, own infrastructure of dedicated servers. Last year we had 16 projects with B2B clients all over the world.

It would be a pleasure for us to support Harmony, no doubt it will be a great collaboration!



I’m Hong Minh from Vietnam

Thanks to Harmony Team, I interest your Project with blockchain POS. I want become to node parner.

Hope I can Contribute more.


  • I’m a system engineer with 3 years of experience.
  • Used to control over 30 servers in company.
  • Built and deployed Docker containers with standalone,swarm,rancher,kubernetes.
  • Fluent with linux, bashscript.
  • Also I can read and write with the golang programming language.
  • OS: Linux and related services
  • Orchestration: Swarm, Kubernetes, Rancher.
  • Virtualization: Docker Containers
  • Programming Language: Golang, Php, HTML/CSS, Javascript.
  • Script: Bash shell.

Hello every one, My name is Filip Filipovic. I specialize in local and regional complementary stable digital currency creation.

I want to be part in Harmony’s protocol and it’s very well designed staking model.
I love Harmony’s monetary model and it’s incentives. I do think there are to many giveaway’s in one tokens that could inflate the price to much, however we are looking
at the new Ethereum replacement.

Currently we are using Cyclos open source for our currencies which is still centralized.
We are looking to move our project to a blockchain based platform.
We keep a close eye on Harmony.

Greets to everyone


Hey there @phenom_alex, please message me on telegram! You can join the waitlist for new foundational nodes on our network :slight_smile:

Reach me at @nickw123


Hey there @ffilipovic, please message me on telegram! We’d love ot work with you and support your project on Harmony :slight_smile:

Reach me at @nickw123


Hey there @qvdev , please message me on telegram! You can join the waitlist for new foundational nodes on our network :slight_smile:

Reach me at @nickw123


Hello everyone ,

This is somesh mahule from India , a bachelor of technology in computer science , i am currently working in storage domain , while exploring blockchains i came across harmony one , i am really impressed and amazed at the same time , i am just a beginner in the corporate world as i have completed just 2 year after my bachelors graduation , but these concepts of Harmony one really inspires me to learn more about it , would love to contribute in the developement of this project . just wanted to know is there any way i can help and learn at the same time .

thanks and regards,
somesh mahule


Hello people,

My name is Adriano Aleixo, I recently entered the world of active crypto, since then I have been interested in the technology behind cryptocurrencies. I really enjoyed the Harmony project, so I decided to join this community. I love technology, I work in the area of ​​industrial logistics.

Thank you!

Sorry if there are words out of context, I don’t speak English.


Hi All,

Just found this lovely topic and would like to leave something here.

Me, SafePal is the first and only hardware wallet invested by Binance Labs.
We aim to provide a secure and cost-effective wallet to empower more crypto masses to use a hardware wallet to store their wallet securely and easily.

We support Harmony token currently and there may is deeper support soon in the future.
We are really impressed by the active and lovely community here!
Excited to see more news from Harmony~