PivotDAO - The Second Chance DAO

Una iniciativa súper potente, con un equipo detrás increíble, y con un objetivo súper necesario. Acortar a pasos de gigante la brecha y desigualdad que hace que muchas mujeres no accedamos a nuevos escenarios. PivotDAO es oportunidad para impulsarnos, formarnos y ponernos en igualdad de oportunidades para ser relevantes. ¡GRACIAS al equipo que lo está facilitando!


I have been working 30 hours+/week for the last 6 months with no compensation at all and paying a lot of expenses from my own pocket to offer this service for free and keep it as a non-profit. This has become not sustainable for me nor for my team at this point.

Harmony is not a charity. You’re free to join one of the dozens DAOs we already have on this subject (including Spanish). Asking 5k because you’ve worked 30hours per week for 6 months on your own it’s just ridiculous


I am not asking 5k a month because of the time I have invested in the project so far. That was a choice and I am happy about it and thanks to that we have created a lot of value in our community.

I am asking for that compensation to be able to build the project that is described in the proposal, have you bothered to read it?

And who is saying that Harmony is a charity? We have a business model laid out in our proposal. A business plan that can be improved with a cash plan, for sure. Can you help us improve it or you are here just to critizice?


The project is not only for women, is for women who doesn’t speak English and are in their late thirties and beyond, who don’t want to be left behind in the new world of blockchain and web3 but find a lot of barriers to get onboard. The fact that you can’t see the problem here is the very reason why this project is absolutely necessary.

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How many % of them are interested in your project? By your metric I would say less than 0.5%.

The fact that you have worked for 6 months yet you only have 700 members, 700 followers on Instagram and an average visitors of 77 just proved that you’re not doing a good job and no one will care about your project. Do you really think after getting the grant your project can reach to a larger user-base?

Compensation? Harmony is not asking you to create the project so using the word “compensation” is not fitting don’t you think?


I guess that you are not taking into account that we are reaching a target that does not even know what blockchain or crypto is and how it can solve their problems and it’s not easy to do this organically.

Over these 6 months I have not been focused on getting more visibility but on building this first phase of the project (website, discord, notion, the training program, handling the team of volunteers and trying to build partnerships). And the project was officially launched on late January.

If we get a grant we could invest on outbound marketing and yes, I am certain that we could grow our user base exponentially.

English is not my native language so I might use words that don’t fit, yeah…

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This training is being really helpful so far. I didn’t know anything about these content and I really needed to know about this.

you are a one day old account sit down


Has it crossed your mind for a second that these dozens of one-day accounts that you disdain could all become $ONE holders?


It smells kinda fishy that there’s so many botlike comments in here - doesn’t matter what language.

Also this proposal feels like another cash crab. You’ve not been able to give clear and concise examples of evidence that this project will bring value to the Harmony ONE ecosystem.

I’m getting seriously tired of watching the Harmony ONE team throwing money out of the window. Especially in this market where most of the investors are struggling due to a red portfolio.


The Harmony ONE coin is bleeding, the community is losing faith in the Harmony one team. How are you as a woman going to help things get back on the right track?

I address your gender because you yourself said that you “NEED” to be in this market.


Excellent proposal, I wish that many more women join this project and the wonderful world of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies, I wish you much success… The change of Mentality and Economics is not stopped by anyone.

We have been working in our community around builder mindset. We really appreciate you read our proposal and add comments that let us improve our project.

We find ourselves that after we started to learning about web3/blockchain, we needed spaces to deepen about programming, DAOs, tokenomics, career shift, etc, to ask or explain us how to contribute in our native language. It does not mean that we are exclusive. It is a bridge and safe place for most of us to transit to cryptoworld. We know that this is a process and we need to prove with outcomes our power of contribution. That’s why, we are asking for a three-month bootstrap and we decide to arrive with a proposal and community to show that we are working on it, not only planning or for money.

We will love it to listen to Harmony team to understand better any concern or any collaboration opportunity between Projects/DAOs. We are an open community to visit, see and ask how we learn and build.

BTW, I am a $ONE holder and know a little bit about Harmony ecosystem. His technology, Harmony people that I met, and their values let me think that it could be a good space for our community, and also understand their members’ passion to protect and ask about the new ones.


Todo mi apoyo a este proyecto decidido a romper barreas y crear oportunidades para mujeres decididas a ser gamechangers para sus vidas procesionales y para quienes al fin podemos lograr inteoducirnos en bockchain para descubrir el potencial que puede tener para nuestras vidas. Muchísimas gracias por lo que hacéis, sois un equipo magnífico de mujeres.


I guess what I am meaning is lost in translation. I am not native English speaker.
I mean we as woman have a very few presence in this market and the training was very useful.
If it’s not thanks to this is project I would have never thought about learning about this topic.
I hope is clearer now. Thanks


PivotDAO is an amazing project from an incredible founder.
It will be a great success because their vision is connected with 2030 agenda for sustainable development.
It’s women’s time.
All my best wishes for the team and the project.


Good morning, where did you get this data from your opening statement?
The part of demand for social and emotional skills will rise by 2030 for ‘women’ makes ZERO sense.

Number of donors: 70 donors so far.
If you have donors donating to your DAO why are you applying for a grant?

Let’s be honest here on your 3 month bootstrap budget:
Social media ads- Less than 2%.
Dev instructors and mentors- Less than 2%

90% OF THE FUNDS- Going to you and the signators.

This project will be dead in the water less than 5 months.

How do you expect to make it past 5 months? You have only funds going to yourself and team while nothing comes in. How much are you charging for these services? I cannot find a price anywhere.

Hard NO on this project.

Good luck!


Hi! Thanks for you imputs.

This data doesn’t come out of the blue. It’s a thorough research performed by McKinsey, you can read it here:

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The donations only cover to pay for the software expenses and without financial support we won’t be able to keep on building.