PivotDAO - The Second Chance DAO

Stop? This is only the beginning

If the backbone of a DAO is its own community and you are surprised by the fact that dozens of our community members have shown up voluntarily to show their support, this makes me think that you haven’t been part of a strong, thriving community
 which we happen to be.
Not very kind of you to judge just based on assumptions so, as they said, you are invited to our Discord server and our email data base to check all the names/emails one by one.


I don’t have anything to say about the proposal yet, but you do know of this thing called “brigading” discussions? I’ve been part of various online communities and regardless of the type of community, highly brigaded posts are generally seen as a red flag for a multitude of reasons.


Well, thanks for bringing me some clarity about “brigading”. I’m not a forum user, non english speaker and didn’t know about this. Have just checked Urban Dictionary and finally can understand the topic.

Anyway I think community is bringing here all their passion and love about the project, it has nothing to do with manipulating anyone. We think it’s a great proposal and we show our support, nothing more. It is not about manipulating or making people see what it is not. It’s all in the proposal.
Regards and thanks for the explanation,


No problem. Glad you understand. I understand there is a slight language disconnect so this might not feel very obvious but a lot of us who have been in Crypto circles for a long time are extremely apprehensive about brigaded social presence.

Even if you might not have any malintent, it raises eyebrows when practically all comments are from people who have never been part of this community before. In a different perspective, this could be seen as a great way to introduce new people to this community, everyone has to start somewhere.

Hope you understand the concerns some members like me and @A_TI might have especially considering how divisive the topic of DAOs has been recently in the Harmony community (and for good reason).


Surely we would all be happy to introduce ourselves to you in a chat in Pivot DAO discord and explain what this community means to us! Thanks in advance

I agree. I see it as a great opportunity to introduce a lot of new people to this community. Why didn’t they join earlier? The fact that everything is English makes it difficult for most of our members to join crypto communities, and that’s precisely the raison d’ĂȘtre of this project: to increase adoption among non-English speakers.

I have worked my butt off for the last six months to build this project with the help of the team and the donations we receive only pay for part of the software expenses. The work that we do is adding a ton of free value to Spanish speaking women, but if we don’t receive any kind of financial support, the project will die.

The community knows it, and that’s why they have reacted so intensely to this proposal :sweat_smile:

Thanks for your clarification, we understand that there has been some tension regarding DAOs here lately.


I completely understand where you’re coming from and it’s great to see that you have a community that is passionate about what you’re building.

I have yet to go through the proposal in detail but I’ll certainly share my thoughts after I’ve read up everything you’ve written about.

Best of luck with your work!


Thanks! It means a lot! :slight_smile:


Wonderful project. Well documented, structured and organized. Congrats!


Este es un proyecto de muy alto nivel y absolutamente imprescindible para acompañar a las mujeres hacia el mundo crypto y blockchain. Proporciona, ademĂĄs, un espacio seguro de aprendizaje tecnolĂłgico que, aĂșn actualmente, es difĂ­cil encontrar. ÂĄFelicidades! ÂĄAdelante!


Este proyecto tiene que salir adelante.
Se estå haciendo un gran trabajo para que una comunidad (que no para de crecer) de mujeres (sin exclusión de hombres) puedan formarse en Blockchain de forma sencilla y en español conociendo así las oportunidades laborales y económicas tanto presentes como futuras que este sistema nos brinda.
Las mujeres no nos podemos quedar atrĂĄs.
Muchas gracias a todo el equipo por el esfuerzo ÂĄTodo mi apoyo! :fist::clap::clap::clap:


ÂĄEn esta comunidad nos apoyamos todas! Somos un equipazo y el proyecto de verdad nos importa, por eso estamos aquĂ­ :blush:


We are not gonna pump your community’s bag lol

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No creo que haga falta ningĂșn bot para poder apoyar a un proyecto increible

The irony is that we don’t even have a bag
 it’s a non-profit!


Harmony already founded dozens of DAOs for women, education and all that jazz. Why don’t you try to work with them?


It’s a non-profit that should pay you 5k per month?


I have been working 30 hours+/week for the last 6 months with no compensation at all and paying a lot of expenses from my own pocket to offer this service for free and keep it as a non-profit. This has become not sustainable for me nor for my team at this point.

Do you think that people that work at non-profits live out of thin air and don’t have rents to pay or food to buy?

This is very simple. I don’t need this “job”. I can make a very good living elsewhere. If we don’t get any financial support, the project will have to be shut down. And we will be very happy by the fact that we were able to build a strong community without external support and increase blockchain awareness and crypto adoption among Spanish speaking people.

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Because these projects are in English! Maybe it’s hard to believe but there are millions of people in the world that can’t speak or understand English

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