Island17 Metaverse Harmonic Council DAO: Global Cross-Sector Leaders Supporting a Youth-Driven Collective Impact web3 SDG Global Game

Well said @ReadyPlayerMom! We ARE a Dao of Dao’s made up of Dao’s. DAOified! By harmony amungst DAO’S channels THE ABILITY to CULTIVATE synergy!!! Bless! And thank you for restoring my comments Harmony!!!

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This was such a fun day! Meeting the harmony team was such an amazing experience :slight_smile: @OG_Lemurman @lij :smile::partying_face:


@exoangel thank you for inviting me to be a panelist at Web3: Breaking it Down, along with Rachel Brissenden @ElixirofLife from Harmony DAO operations!

Here is the link if anyone would like some more information, would love to see some of you there!! :))

Presented by Singularity Group San Diego:


This will be an amazing panel of Web 3 expertise and opportunities from a diverse panel.

@frwrdslosh @WeAreIsland17 @ReadyPlayerMom @rcast171 @Ru-MADNFT @Tcoyne @Suede0619 @impactcapital @WaveMaster @bonisham05


@Aleeza_Jahan we are so happy to have you represent the youth tech council in our Island17DAO and represent our DAO on May 11 at The #Singularity Group #web3 event!

@frwrdslosh - is there any way we can have some form of decision by May 10? Aleeza would love to be able to announce and celebrate Harmony’s funding and ecosystem support of our women-led, youth-innovation focused DAO :globe_with_meridians: :mountain_snow: :rocket: and tell the story of how we met Harmony at ETH Denver and how you all encouraged us to apply as women and youth leaders.


I am thrilled to be a part of Harmony and all the opportunities that Island17 and Harmony will coalesce to make this planet a better place for our youth for generations to come. @ReadyPlayerMom @exoangel @Aleeza_Jahan @WeAreIsland17 @Aleeza_Jahan


Yay! This makes my day! Go team! This is going to be so awesome!! Thank yoy Aleeza!! Bless! @Aleeza_Jahan


Explain the KPIs using SMART/OKR with on-chain metrics and TVL change for harmony ecosystem.


@KNIGHTiREIGN Please stop spamming the threads.


Pardon? Im a governor of this DAO? And excited for my team. How am I spamming? @mohanarvindk

Please ask the question to yourself again, you will find the answer.

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@mohanarvindk who are you?

1 in a million of the harmony community


Ok as am I. And im directly commenting on my teams personal harmony application to a grant for our DAO. So where do you find that im spamming? And what are you talking about. And this platform is about harmony. Not what youre bringing to the table.

I agree, this is DAO proposal thread, instead of empty “Woooo” comments please provide more details on the project.


I am talking business, if you could answer my questions regarding ROI/KPIs for the community please do, else ask your team to do ASAP.


Wow. I cant be excited for a newly onboarded member of our team which is stepping up to be a speaker. And making their first public announcement about that. And I cant give a congrats and a thank you?

I think you need to calm down. And your questions will be answered when my team formulates a proper answer. Your hostility isnt appriciated at all.

Please do add meaningful conversation to thread/ let other do it. Thanks.


You and your team are asking for harmony communities fund. I want to know if it is appropriate to fund this DAO. The discussions related to the funding is welcoming. The rest are irrelevant. Hope you understand.

This platform is harmony’s; you don’t have to promote harmony on harmony’s platform.